Well that's funny. I figured that - after fifty-two years of "life experience" as you so proudly described - somewhere along the road you would've gained the ability to sort yourself out whenever there's a bunch of adolescent pricks having a go at you over a bloody thirteen year old computer game. But nothing could be further from the truth, as in said fifty-two years you never learned how to stay polite, you never learned how to keep yourself calm, you never even learned how to behave properly. In fact you never picked up a thing, except for being an awfully arrogant wanker, conjuring up your self-esteem from your "accomplishments" in a tycoon game. Luckily I never played the game as fanatically as you do, nor am I planning on doing so. Flip side to that though is that your accomplishments are of no value whatsoever. And as you dexterously concluded yourself, your life beside rollercoaster is, alas, quite pitiful... Well then, must've been one hell of a load of life experience, I reckon. So don't credit yourself all too much, champ. The comparison to Red Foreman went quite over it. All I can say is I'm sincerely happy for you that you didn't pick up on a game like, let's say, World of Warcraft. You would've offed yourself in a week.
Alrite, hope your pockets are big enough to fit that one in. Oh, who am I kidding...
Well you're a fat cunt, and so is yer mum. Oh don't get offended now babez, we all know it's just an online forum!
...most unthoughtful reason of the week, good grief. Your attempts to crawl deeper up his arse must be throttling your blood circulation.
What the fuck I thought this was supposed to be about what park is better.
I'd not seen Heavens Kitchens park until today and i did quite enjoy it actually. The bright colours were perhaps a bit overdone but there were some lovely ideas in there. The statues on the entrance were excellent and I love the "Last Arch Angel"esque start to the 4D coaster. However the rest of the layout lacked though.
Overall its a good park, but possibly the weakest of the round, considering what other parks in the round that's not as bad as it sounds.
And Roomie, I bow to thee. I'm sorry to have offended you, since clearly my post was aimed at someone else. Yes indeed, it's no less than reasonable if a ban is ordered for this, and I'm in no way trying to avoid one though, I just felt like sharing my thoughts. I'm with you on hoping that kong steps out to be the wiser one, but eh... who are you kidding? He's Foreman on steroids, after all.
You do hurt me though by saying that I need to think before I post. It cost me about ten minutes to write all that anger down mate, give me some credit.
What the fuck I thought this was supposed to be about what park is better.
Was it now? I'm terribly sorry, my bad. I think my apologies are in order, I never meant to disturb the topic. Proceed.
I agree with Mouse in that k0ng should be more polite. Other than that, fuck you man. Seriously, what the fuck? Attacking someone's back injury? God damn, you're worse than k0ng.
Because that Dutch flag clearly means you are Scottish, and we should all read every post on this forum to catch the one in which you mentioned you are Scottish. And insulting an admin is always the right way to do things.
I agree with Mouse in that k0ng should be more polite. Other than that, fuck you man. Seriously, what the fuck? Attacking someone's back injury? God damn, you're worse than k0ng.
Who knows, I might be lame from the neck down. I might be typing this with my fucking earlobes right this second. Whether or not that's true, at least I'm not using it as an excuse for being too fiery and too fanatic in some aspects of my life.
Yes, I completely agree that I am a cunt for stating it that way. It might or might not have been too harsh, even. But in my opinion you fight fire with fire in situations like this. I'd even go as far as saying that he doesn't need to take it personal; I just felt like someone needed to act up as bashful to him, as he does to others. I don't expect many people to agree with me on that one, but then again that's your opinion, and I've got mine.
And again, I'm in no way vowing against a ban. I've said all I wanted.
Because that Dutch flag clearly means you are Scottish, and we should all read every post on this forum to catch the one in which you mentioned you are Scottish. And insulting an admin is always the right way to do things.
Weee, in comes slowpoke. As sad it is though that you might have missed it, I'm quite sure you're one of the pariahs. And as you might have noticed, I'm not discriminating any group or person above the other, so I'm not insulting an admin, I'm just insulting a person. Although I'm not insulting at all, as that clearly wasn't an insult. As an uptight twat you clearly can't make the distinction, but I don't blame you. Long story short: Sit down son, I wasn't conversing with you.
Hey Luketh....that dude in your av is a fucking perv. My daughter showed me that fuck on YouTube or something...said he scared the shit outta her. Leave it to YOU to use it as an avatar.
Hah, the pedosmile. He actually stopped doing it for fear of ruining his own joke. Out-of-context he's a creepy dude, but if you check out his channel you'll find that he's actually a relatively successful comic artist from the Philippines. LINK.
'Cuz all members that have a union jack or the stars and stripes next to their name are always so formidably nice to fellow NE-ers. (Skims through topic) Oh, nevermind, they're just as bad.
Once again, why judge people on nationality? No need to do so. Other than that I wanna stay out of this one for now.
Roomie is one of the friendliest members, that means something.
Anyway back on topic. lets get back to that.
I'd not seen Heavens Kitchens park until today and i did quite enjoy it actually. The bright colours were perhaps a bit overdone but there were some lovely ideas in there. The statues on the entrance were excellent and I love the "Last Arch Angel"esque start to the 4D coaster. However the rest of the layout lacked though.
Overall its a good park, but possibly the weakest of the round, considering what other parks in the round that's not as bad as it sounds.
Congrats to the builders whoever you may be.
And Roomie, I bow to thee. I'm sorry to have offended you, since clearly my post was aimed at someone else. Yes indeed, it's no less than reasonable if a ban is ordered for this, and I'm in no way trying to avoid one though, I just felt like sharing my thoughts. I'm with you on hoping that kong steps out to be the wiser one, but eh... who are you kidding? He's Foreman on steroids, after all.
You do hurt me though by saying that I need to think before I post. It cost me about ten minutes to write all that anger down mate, give me some credit.
Was it now? I'm terribly sorry, my bad. I think my apologies are in order, I never meant to disturb the topic. Proceed.
no, seriously now calm down everyone...
It's the way you put that opinion into words that can.
Whitehawk Offline
Because that Dutch flag clearly means you are Scottish, and we should all read every post on this forum to catch the one in which you mentioned you are Scottish. And insulting an admin is always the right way to do things.
Yes, I completely agree that I am a cunt for stating it that way. It might or might not have been too harsh, even. But in my opinion you fight fire with fire in situations like this. I'd even go as far as saying that he doesn't need to take it personal; I just felt like someone needed to act up as bashful to him, as he does to others. I don't expect many people to agree with me on that one, but then again that's your opinion, and I've got mine.
And again, I'm in no way vowing against a ban. I've said all I wanted.
Weee, in comes slowpoke. As sad it is though that you might have missed it, I'm quite sure you're one of the pariahs. And as you might have noticed, I'm not discriminating any group or person above the other, so I'm not insulting an admin, I'm just insulting a person. Although I'm not insulting at all, as that clearly wasn't an insult. As an uptight twat you clearly can't make the distinction, but I don't blame you. Long story short: Sit down son, I wasn't conversing with you.
Hah, the pedosmile. He actually stopped doing it for fear of ruining his own joke. Out-of-context he's a creepy dude, but if you check out his channel you'll find that he's actually a relatively successful comic artist from the Philippines. LINK.
Not so creepy.
Whitehawk Offline
"One of the Pariahs" since 2008
'Cuz all members that have a union jack or the stars and stripes next to their name are always so formidably nice to fellow NE-ers. (Skims through topic) Oh, nevermind, they're just as bad.
Once again, why judge people on nationality? No need to do so. Other than that I wanna stay out of this one for now.