Comet, I'm not sure. KONG says this was all built since the beginning of H2H, yet he reset the time to year 1. Why? If anything, the clock should be 17--, like the book. I was honestly thinking the same thing.
I've taken a look at both parks at this point, and it's really close for me. Both had some flaws, as Frankenstein had only a handful of peeps, and a major peep jam in the castle. Not to mention the par rating of 0. This stuff matters to me. I didn't enjoy the ride design, really at all. I'm not a fan of stacking 18 different types of track onto one ride. The village was very nice, and so was the landscaping, though not a fan of the foliage. I can understand the idea of making it black and white, but it really didn't work for me.
Heaven's Kitchen was pretty cool. The rides were interesting, my favorite was the one in the hanging Gardens. The 3D was stalled when I tried viewing it. Closed, deleted track segment, re-opened, and it just broke down and stalled again. The boat ride around the perimeter was very cool, although I thought there were way too many boats. I wouldn't want to ride something like a peaceful boat ride like that so close to many other people.
Overall, it's really close, and I remain undecided at this point.
Frankenstein - Awesome work, ultra creative idea with the black and white. It's been a long time since we have had a park posted that made everyone wonder "how did they do that?!" which is also very cool. Naturally what comes next is people figuring it out, I guess trav beat me by a few minutes there. In-game it's great stuff. The atmosphere worked here much better than in similar parks, like Vulture. Overall 9.5/10.0 just could have had a little more detail worked in. Still this will be very hard to top as the park of the year.
Atlantean Ark - Sorry, it really did nothing for me. I really liked the large entry statues, but the rest was terrible. I did not like the colors, tall architecture and the coasters were pitiful. Sorry to be so harsh, but this looked like a n00b submission and really has no place in H2H6. Overall 4.1/10.0
Vote: Reservoir Dogs
Now about the name being in the park... so what. That's not worth a DQ of any park, be it a fantastic entry like Frankenstein or Atlantean. IMO it's not just a failure by the Reservoir Dogs, but also by the admins to check the park properly. Posix and co really need to try and prevent DQs, not find reasons to give them. A DQ of this park would be a true shame for the entire site.
Could everyone just chill for a second and think things through before posting sensationalist nonsense? First off, if posix and the admins had such cause to think anything, why put it up for a vote at all? If they know who built it and felt something on the map revealed that, this would have been released as a DQ from the start.
Perhaps they missed it you say? Well even if that's the case, there's still the fact that the team had to deal with using the wrong/unfinished SV6. One could make the case that because of this decision it shouldn't lead to a double whammy penalty of a DQ just because something wasn't removed on the non release version that ended up being used.
Personally I don't even agree with the decision to not use the right file but that's a moot point. I'd be curious to see if the fully finished version was "cleaned up" or not.
Some of you seem desperate to punish K0NG for the trash talking, past wrongs or whatever. You're letting emotional bullshit and semantics distract you from what should be a nice H2H match and a couple of very good releases. This mean spirited, gleeful witch hunt is a disservice to K0NG, his teammates and the competition in general and has got to stop. If you're so concerned about it, PM an admin.
Now about the name being in the park... so what. That's not worth a DQ of any park, be it a fantastic entry like Frankenstein or Atlantean. IMO it's not just a failure by the Reservoir Dogs, but also by the admins to check the park properly. Posix and co really need to try and prevent DQs, not find reasons to give them. A DQ of this park would be a true shame of the entire site.
Whilst I agree that it should be quite worthy of a DQ (Maybe just taking a 5% loss in votes?), it is in the rules:
'(3) You must not put any team-member's names on any H2H6 park in any way. This includes staff names, mosaic signs, underwater land coloring or any clever way of putting your name in the park.'
And so I think it would be highly unfair if the Reservoir Dogs were let off for breaking the rules completely, especially after the whole fiasco where they said who was building what week earlier on and stuff.
^Then in that light, Zombieland should also be DQ since every Hurricane is on the map killing a zombie Replacements member. People even took screens of it and nobody jumped all over that.
^Then in that light, Zombieland should also be DQ since every Hurricane is on the map killing a zombie Replacements member. People even took screens of it and nobody jumped all over that.
It's common H2H knowledge (I thought it was during H2H3 when that was decided?) that once you put ALL team members in the park it circumvents the anonymity rule..
It was the "name" on the bench that was used, from a project JDP and I started a while back. If it's gonna be DQ'd because of be it. But, IF it is, get it over with so I can get the fuck outta here.
Lol you guys can DQ Zombieland if you want though, its not like it'll matter
Stop acting childish and just let this thing sort itself out peacefully. If you have nothing positive to say, simply don't say it. I personally think that K0NG has been acting remarkably civil lately [not that I've ever had a problem with him or his posting, its just the others on this site]. Why stir up the hornets next even more?
If this park is in danger of being DQ-ed, leave this between the admins and K0NG. Not you.
Bahahahahaha at you white knighting for your team, SF. For the record I don't think any park should have to suffer a DQ during this H2H or about naming/anonymity in general, since you seem to be trying to defend yourself. And yet you still bleat on about unwritten rules, written rules, decisions made 7 years ago, unfounded accusations, etc. etc.
Bottom line is you can't go on about fairness and following rules when you take rules at face value in one case, use unwritten rules in others and act like you're making a valid point.
Rule 3 is pretty clear in what it states and I see no provisions about "it's ok if you name stuff this way but not ok if you're K0NG"
I don't think this should get DQed, as I think it's amazing work and should deserve praise.. Maybe I worded myself poorly, but what I meant to say is I can understand if they decide to do it.
I think it's justifiable that Frankenstein will get a DQ, because clearly K0NG worked waaaayyyyyy longer on this than the actual start of the contest which was about a month ago..
Dude...just because you, yourself couldn't have possibly accomplished this... doesn't mean that our guys didn't. As I stated before...not a single object was placed nor a single section of track laid prior to the conclusion of the draft.
Meaning, (since you're obviously too fucking stupid to get it), that everything in our arsenal was, and will be, from scratch.
And, I'm fucking proud of our team for this. No one brought in something they'd been working on and had their crew continue with it.
Seeing what's been said in the captains lounge...I know that other teams have, or will do just that. We're better than that. And we know it.
If you'd stop hating and step your game up to our level, you'd realize that hard work and long hours will allow this.
Aww, so cute, I love you K0NG, finally you give me back some love!
I don't think this should get DQed, as I think it's amazing work and should deserve praise.. Maybe I worded myself poorly, but what I meant to say is I can understand if they decide to do it.
I've taken a look at both parks at this point, and it's really close for me. Both had some flaws, as Frankenstein had only a handful of peeps, and a major peep jam in the castle. Not to mention the par rating of 0. This stuff matters to me. I didn't enjoy the ride design, really at all. I'm not a fan of stacking 18 different types of track onto one ride. The village was very nice, and so was the landscaping, though not a fan of the foliage. I can understand the idea of making it black and white, but it really didn't work for me.
Heaven's Kitchen was pretty cool. The rides were interesting, my favorite was the one in the hanging Gardens. The 3D was stalled when I tried viewing it. Closed, deleted track segment, re-opened, and it just broke down and stalled again. The boat ride around the perimeter was very cool, although I thought there were way too many boats. I wouldn't want to ride something like a peaceful boat ride like that so close to many other people.
Overall, it's really close, and I remain undecided at this point.
I'm just saying until we totally 100% know.
Atlantean Ark - Sorry, it really did nothing for me. I really liked the large entry statues, but the rest was terrible. I did not like the colors, tall architecture and the coasters were pitiful. Sorry to be so harsh, but this looked like a n00b submission and really has no place in H2H6. Overall 4.1/10.0
Vote: Reservoir Dogs
Now about the name being in the park... so what. That's not worth a DQ of any park, be it a fantastic entry like Frankenstein or Atlantean. IMO it's not just a failure by the Reservoir Dogs, but also by the admins to check the park properly. Posix and co really need to try and prevent DQs, not find reasons to give them. A DQ of this park would be a true shame for the entire site.
You said it all, man
Could everyone just chill for a second and think things through before posting sensationalist nonsense? First off, if posix and the admins had such cause to think anything, why put it up for a vote at all? If they know who built it and felt something on the map revealed that, this would have been released as a DQ from the start.
Perhaps they missed it you say? Well even if that's the case, there's still the fact that the team had to deal with using the wrong/unfinished SV6. One could make the case that because of this decision it shouldn't lead to a double whammy penalty of a DQ just because something wasn't removed on the non release version that ended up being used.
Personally I don't even agree with the decision to not use the right file but that's a moot point. I'd be curious to see if the fully finished version was "cleaned up" or not.
Some of you seem desperate to punish K0NG for the trash talking, past wrongs or whatever. You're letting emotional bullshit and semantics distract you from what should be a nice H2H match and a couple of very good releases. This mean spirited, gleeful witch hunt is a disservice to K0NG, his teammates and the competition in general and has got to stop. If you're so concerned about it, PM an admin.
Whilst I agree that it should be quite worthy of a DQ (Maybe just taking a 5% loss in votes?), it is in the rules:
'(3) You must not put any team-member's names on any H2H6 park in any way. This includes staff names, mosaic signs, underwater land coloring or any clever way of putting your name in the park.'
And so I think it would be highly unfair if the Reservoir Dogs were let off for breaking the rules completely, especially after the whole fiasco where they said who was building what week earlier on and stuff.
Stop acting childish and just let this thing sort itself out peacefully. If you have nothing positive to say, simply don't say it. I personally think that K0NG has been acting remarkably civil lately [not that I've ever had a problem with him or his posting, its just the others on this site]. Why stir up the hornets next even more?
If this park is in danger of being DQ-ed, leave this between the admins and K0NG. Not you.
Shut up and enjoy quality RCT:]
Bottom line is you can't go on about fairness and following rules when you take rules at face value in one case, use unwritten rules in others and act like you're making a valid point.
Rule 3 is pretty clear in what it states and I see no provisions about "it's ok if you name stuff this way but not ok if you're K0NG"
Dude...just because you, yourself couldn't have possibly accomplished this...
doesn't mean that our guys didn't. As I stated before...not a single object was placed
nor a single section of track laid prior to the conclusion of the draft.
Meaning, (since you're obviously too fucking stupid to get it), that everything in our arsenal was, and will
be, from scratch.
And, I'm fucking proud of our team for this. No one brought in something
they'd been working on and had their crew continue with it.
Seeing what's been said in the captains lounge...I know that other teams have, or will
do just that. We're better than that. And we know it.
If you'd stop hating and step your game up to our level, you'd realize that hard
work and long hours will allow this.
Fucking dumbass.