Park / [H2H6] R1 - Heaven's Kitchen - The Atlantean Ark
14-May 12
The Atlantean Ark
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my vote goes to frankenstein, although it wasn't much of a park. it wasn't a park at all actually. and the fact that the lone coaster made nothing but left turns was extremely poorly thought out, if there was any thought put towards that at all actually.
Thanks for taking the time to write such an in-depth review, but what is your final vote?
Not done yet , got lazy, finish In a few hours.
I quite enjoyed the park. The references (that I got) were great, I know I missed quite a few of the references which sucks. As said before your park did miss the wow factor. But opening it in-game definitely made me change a bit of that opinion. The greatest feature of this park is that it is just one big moving park. It has a lot of cohesion which I did like about it. I'm also rather intrigued how you build something this big in only a month. Kumba's time zone system? I don't know but I also have some thougts on who built on this. I'ma leave those thougts for later though. Great park!
Reservoir Dogs:
While this was a lot smaller it was really awesome. The black and white was really creative and made it very atmospherical. The coaster was cool and I quite liked the small things like the peeps getting stuck in the castle and farmer bob. I also really liked the concept of this. Those walls -name- usually uses in it's castles. We all know one player who built on this but I'm pretty sure there were more builders. I'll leave those thougts on that later.
While I liked Heaven's Kitchen's park, I gotta say that the wow-factor in Frankenstein was just bigger. Which made me give my vote to:
In the case of Frankenstein, the gray-scale effect was certainly cool but as others have said it just blended together the more I looked at it. Technicolor ftw! I liked the perspective of the castle, how it was dominating over everything, but it was almost too much in focus. The brilliant town beneath had no action whatsoever and seemed just utterly lifeless, which was a real shame. The amount of noise from the castle ruined much of the atmosphere, though you could argue it was the machinery and such inside that was "meant" to make the racket. I'd argue otherwise.
Like said above the coaster wasn't the greatest, but being one of the least coaster-focused people here I initially thought it was pretty decent, it just didn't go well with the castle theming (which in my opinion wasn't too amazing, but I just didn't like the style it was made in).
The Atlantean Ark just seemed repetitive and rushed, with much of it having the potential to be pretty awesome (the observatory comes to mind). Most was just too [obnoxiously] colorful, and many of the rides just seemed thrown in there for the sake of having rides (ex. the Merchant pirate ship). These weren't integrated into the theming very well.
My vote goes to Frankenstein.
Review and argumentation later.
EDGE:CIA. ... Yeah, I do gwazi. Thinking of that when I wrote this.
Alrite, hope your pockets are big enough to fit that one in. Oh, who am I kidding...
Well you're a fat cunt, and so is yer mum. Oh don't get offended now babez, we all know it's just an online forum!
...most unthoughtful reason of the week, good grief. Your attempts to crawl deeper up his arse must be throttling your blood circulation.
That was possibly the single most hipocritical post I've ever seen on these forums. And that post is a stream of vile, unsportsmanlike and useless drivel that has no place on this forum. Especially as the whole thing had essentially finished and you just posted to start it up again.
I'm not defending other peoples actions previously but you have just proven yourself as bad if not worse than anyone before. Why are you trying to get K0ng riled up an angry? what exactly do you hope to achieve? In life you will always meet people you don't agree with and if this is the way you act I categorically and honestly feel sorry for you.
Why can't people just calm down and think before they post? The annonminity the internet gives is not an excuse to act like an idiot. I've said it time and time again on these forums and it's clear you've ignored everything that's been said. I don't addvocate bannings on this forum but if any post I've seen recently deserves one its yours.
I hope K0ng doesn't react and takes the high road here. but I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't.