Park / Sea of Sagas


This park shares comments with 1 other park(View Park)
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    ^ At least when I speak, I speak for myself and not as "we". How what I said "comes off" is
    merely how you choose to interpret it. I was just reminding people to take the time to really
    get into these creations rather than just skimming through and tossing a vote out. As I singled
    no one out here...I'm curious as to why some people decided to be offended by what I said.

    Remind you though...being curious is much different than actually giving a fuck.
  • hulkpower25%s's Photo
  • Ruben%s's Photo

    Wait, wait, how is anyone K0NG's clone if they vote for Zombieland?

    Hold on, go back to the post where you read this and read it again. You didn't get my point, which wasn't about being a clone if you vote for Zombieland. It was about that not everybody has the same voting ideas/procedures, and that should be respected. With this statement I tried to make clear not everybody votes like KONG (or apparently you) and there's nothing wrong with that.

    Some people make up their mind instantly, and always stick to that. It's just a trait some people have, and others don't. What's the use of checking the parks out for another 5 hours before voting then? I myself use about 10/15 minutes per park, after that I'm sure which to vote for. I love going through the parks for a lot longer, but why not vote before that if you already know your choice?
  • wheres_walto%s's Photo
    Shut up already
  • Ruben%s's Photo
    yes mom.
  • wheres_walto%s's Photo
    Good one
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    I personally dont think K0NG's statement was nearly as bad as you guys make it seem. Everyone has their own standards of deciding on who to vote for. And while I actually agree with his viewpoint, there really is no right or wrong way to do so.
  • Faas%s's Photo
  • FredD%s's Photo
    I'm going for Sea of sagas. Both parks are really well executed and are technically from a high level. It's a very close call, but I like Sea of sagas more since I'm more into good atmospheric parks with lots of theming than parks where the rides are just good implanted. Sorry Hurricanes.

    I vot for Sea of sagas.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    Finally have time today, Both parks look great from the overview ... will vote later.

    Edit: wrong topic lol, I have all ready voted on this, my bad.
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    Sounds good Ronnie!
  • Miracle%s's Photo
    sea of sagas.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo

    He's right in that people should really spend time on looking through these before voting, if only out of respect for the people that have spent hours of their freetime working on these parks.

    Bullshit. You might be a detail-oriented person, but I'm not. I have an aesthetic taste that exists only in the big picture. Details mean very little to me. If you want me to see something, don't hide it. In art, subtlety should support the work as a whole, and you should expect it to be ignored. If I don't enjoy looking at a park for the first three minutes, I'm out. In my eyes it's not a good park.
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    Who the fuck cares if it's just related to detail? I enjoy aesthetics as well, but I'm willing to spend at least 10 minutes to acknowledge the benefits of both parks that builders have spent literally hours working on. Aesthetics don't just exist in a larger sense as well; details are literally aesthetic aspects on a micro scale, and I feel, as someone who spends a good amount of time trying to develop aesthetics from the macro to the micro, it's a courtesy to a builder to dedicate more than a quick glance while exploring a park.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I disagree, robbie. Every person enjoys RCT in another way. Some just want to play the game and don't care for what we do on NE, some just want to see sick rides, some want to see sick details, and some get a boner from macro aesthetic. People vote for what park they liked the most. If Dr dude likes macro level asethetics, he'll probably votes for the park with the best macro level aesthetics. If he doesn't care for micro scale stuff, why should he spend time investigating details if he doesn't like it and it's not going to influence his vote anyway? To each his own.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    Plus, he likely saves himself a lot of money by getting his full enjoyment out of
    movies by simply watching the trailers....
  • JJ%s's Photo

    Plus, he likely saves himself a lot of money by getting his full enjoyment out of
    movies by simply watching the trailers....

    Nah that's what torrents are for.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo

    Who the fuck cares if it's just related to detail? I enjoy aesthetics as well, but I'm willing to spend at least 10 minutes to acknowledge the benefits of both parks that builders have spent literally hours working on. Aesthetics don't just exist in a larger sense as well; details are literally aesthetic aspects on a micro scale, and I feel, as someone who spends a good amount of time trying to develop aesthetics from the macro to the micro, it's a courtesy to a builder to dedicate more than a quick glance while exploring a park.

    Yeah, but the micro aesthetics contribute to the macro aesthetics, and if I don't appreciate the macro aesthetics I won't waste my time on the micro aesthetics. However, if I enjoy the macro aesthetics, I will continue and appreciate the micro aesthetics. For instance, I viewed Sea of Sagas for a good hour or so, but only spent twenty minutes looking at Zombieland, because the color choices just didn't sit well with me at all.

    Plus, he likely saves himself a lot of money by getting his full enjoyment out of
    movies by simply watching the trailers....

    Ironically, I actually have done work in film + am a production major. But yes, if the premise of a film does not sit well with me I will not see it.
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    My decision is final - REPLACMENTS!
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Although I enjoyed Hurricanes and the little details throughout the park, I felt the replacements had the complete well balanced park. Both were fun but my vote goes to The Replacements.