Park / Indian Point Ballpark
- 06-July 12
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55.83%(required: 50%) Bronze
Kumba 90% Phatage 70% Dimi 60% Maverix 60% wheres_walto 60% 5dave 55% JDP 55% Roomie 55% Wicksteed 55% CedarPoint6 50% K0NG 50% Liampie 50% tyandor 50% BelgianGuy 40% 55.83% -
My debut park, inspired by real-life ballparks around the US with a touch of my own ideas. Completely NCSO and no trainers were used at all.
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Ling Offline
MikaRCT2 Offline
pierrot Offline
Maybe it seems bit generic but Every details in here is just brilliant and well executed, with a classic feel to it.
+ Just wow. What a nice choice of the color for benches in the stadium, It really adds a lot of atmosphere.
Wanted Offline
One thing I will say - I wasn't the biggest fan of the wooden coaster. It moved far too slow for my liking.
Also, well done SuicideCarz! First write-up
RWE Offline
I like this park really much. I dont miss CSO and 8cars-Trainer here.
Fisch Offline
I lived in Canton for a year but have never been to the Indians' stadium. Is this actually a recreation with some cool things added to it like the woodie or is it your own take of it?
AK Koaster Offline
Maverix Offline
I quite liked this. Good ideas and good execution. Wasn't a fan of the pace on the woody but it did look quite nice.
Congrats on the accolade!
Fizzix Offline
Yeah, Fisch, this isn't Jacob's-er-Progressive Field.
Ling Offline
trav Offline
Xtreme97 Offline
Can't wait to see your next work, and I hope you progress from this as a player, maybe even one day try out Custom Scenery
Also, loved the write-up Suicide-Carz!
Hex Offline
XCars Offline
molemaster43 Offline
RCT2day Offline
Yeah, even I wouldn't give it a 90%. That surprised me but I would like to hear from you.
I've never been to Cleveland, this is just a baseball park inspired by some of the ones I've seen. Has anyone picked up on the many New York references? (Indian Point Entergy, NY Times, the subway lines, Shake Shack, Renegades, B. Springsteen?)
As for Mako, it was rather slow and not very exciting but that's the point: to be a family roller coaster while maintaining the boardwalk feel of the area. Nevertheless, it was slow and struggled to get over each hill.
Once again, thanks everyone.
Brent Offline
RMM Offline
SoCalCoasters Offline
A personal view
In all honesty I think this park deserved a higher rating, but that's MY opinion. SO what if he heavily used the brick walls, isn't that, you know, kinda realistic for such a large field? The thing is wonderfully detailed and probably one of the best NCS projects that wasn't a straight up park. I though this was wonderful and refreshing, and if people can't be bothered to take off their grime covered glasses to see it, so be it.
No one's opinion is automatically better than someone else's. Kumba voted the way he wanted. Louis gave Coupon a 100% on SFW. Everyone has their personal likes that they love.
Note that I am not trying to start a flame war or make enemies out of everyone, I just hate seeing such disdain over something so petty.