Park / Helios
05-July 04
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5dave 85% Liampie 85% trav 85% Fisch 80% alex 75% G Force 70% Stoksy 70% Cocoa 65% Kumba 65% ][ntamin22 65% 74.38% -
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Helios by Kevin
With the outstanding cast of New Element Parkmakers currently on staff....with big names like Mala, Toon, cBass, Foozy, sacoasterfreak, Corkscrewed, Phatage, Butterfinger, aero21, WME, Meretrix, x-sector...and now John and slob, you would guess that the most creative stuff comes from there, right? Well, I must admit, our current RCT2 parkmaking line-up is untouchable, but there is a new wave of upcoming, unproven parkmakers that are really putting their stamp on things here on New Element. Led by the two newest parkmakers, slob and John, and including the revolution of parkmakers such as DarkJanus, voodoo, Metropole, and the person we're here to talk about...the mysterious Kevin. His screens have taken over the Advertising District. He's drawn comparisons to Foozy...only he builds more often. His skills are undeniable, the only question from this point is his work ethic. Will he be the next in a long line of inactive prospects? Or will he be the next big thing at New Element, taking the RCT2 scene over by storm and blessing us with his absolutely breathtaking theming and architecture in his every project? In my opinion, there is no in between with Kevin...he's either destined for the top of the list, or the very bottom. The talent is there, but the drive and determination is still to be determined....where do we go from here?
Oh wait, wrong forum
The use of boosted lift hills to make it go faster, the flat turn after the brakes, the really long flat track underground are examples of what made this ride bad. The ratings are also not good, and that usually ticks me off.
But overall it was good. The theming is really the best part of it.
The map looks great, but it seems like I've seen that type of thing a lot.
Just my opinion...
There are alot of little things which bug me, nothing really major, but I just feel it looks a bit rushed in parts. Firstly the boosters are a big no-no for me, I can understand their importance, but they bug the hell out of me. Also some of the rapids track used for water tunnels were left white, changing them to aqua makes them look so much more natural, also, I found a random waterfall floating around in mid air just after the 2 corkscrews, if you rotate the camera so its facing the station from the corkscrews you'll find it. One of the things which I thought was odd (and made me think it was rushed) was that I clicked on the message tab and I could see loads of old messages still thur, also, no entrance note for when you opened the park.
But like I said there only minor things, over all I thought it was a good entry. Well done!
Edit: Thought the landscaping was brilliant btw.
ps- Was it really nessary that the Halios have 9 inversions. That's what killed the ratings.
and you must excuse me, i currently do not have rct2 installed.
Nice stuff Kevin, just the coaster needs to make its rateing, nice archy tho
6.5/10 (yeah the rateing lowers it alot for me)
But anyways, good job and congrats on the design. Hopefully this will inspire you to get PoD in gear.
Regardless, good work and congrats on becoming a parkmaker.
Saying that, I loved the architecture, especially the flat roofs wrapped around the midriffs of some of the buildings.
On reflection, I find your latest Atlantis screens just as wonderful as the old ones, so I take exactly what I wrote up there back. However, the sentiment remains the same...those golden, mindbending structures you were making really did make me take notice.
Congratulations on your parkmaker spot too - I look forward to PoD with baited breath.