Park / Violet Gardens
28-March 12
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Oh and that carousel is easily the best one ever done in RCT2. It was perfect, which is why it's the focus of my banner.
Can't wait to see what you bring in the future.
I'll start out by saying that this park was generally very good. Some great architecture, great rides, atmosphere, and some classic prodigy work! It certainly has your signiture atmosphere through it!
Which is sort of my problem, in that it's just not that different from any of your other stuff. Don't get me wrong, it's all good, I'm just not seeing any improvement, just stagnation. Your foliage is a bit dark, the sand is a bit overused, and I think you have a tendency to leave areas bare where some buildings or flowers or something could really brighten everything up. Also, your park layouts are crazy, who would make the trek to get to the entrance of the log flume? Some paths just seem like backstage roads
But those are really minor gripes, take them as advice for a future park rather than a criticism. I love this park and wish you luck with your next spotlight endeavor!
Prodigy, I loved it. I love how your style is precise and consistent
I'll edit this post later with all my thoughts.
I don't get why people always want lots of different paths in RCT. I mean, all the parks I've been to only ever really have 2 different path styles max, and that's tarmac and brick/cobblestone.
I think that if you improved your foliage Prodigy, this would have been spotlight.
Having reviewed most of the past Spotlights for the history recaps at the time, this was by no means Spotlight material to me.
Overall no spotlight, but a solid gold. I hope you're building another park sometime, with better foliage, planning and concepts from the start. I know that you can still improve.
wet stairs - awesome!
But looking at it in total, there was indeed something that made me feel like gold is good enough. This thing had a lot of great things, but one thing that mainly bothered me was, that the queues are incredibly small. At least they felt really small.
Actually that's just a piece of glass dividing the path for those who don't want to get wet.
And for the exit to the corkscrew "needing to be fixed".. I'm sure the paths work completely, it's just peeps sometimes are stupid and if a path leads towards the entrance/exit they will take it and get stuck, I've had this happen many times with my opened parks. There's really only a few ways to fix it and it can mean completely changing the layout of the park/rides.
Anyways, I thought the park was really good. Great attention to detail. I really liked the GCI and the Arrow (Lockness). The B&M was so not bad. Overall though, I think it's a great park.