hmmm, I have seen better from both of you. Although Faceman his work is almost copied every time he could pull of a very complete atmosphere. And muuuuh is just great. Woould love to see something finished from you. I do wonder when this park is build?
To be honest I thought this looked better from the screens. I love the Supersplash station and the Kumba ripoff station (both have been shown in the AD), but most other work was chaotic. I agree with Ivo. Hope to see more better work of you two! Although I doubt we'll see Faceman again.
Ivo, I think the park is from 2007? That's when it was advertised right?
I think the park is from 2007? That's when it was advertised right?
I think you might be right. last time I opened this park to build something was roughly 4years ago. actually, I completely agree with the point this isn`t our best work. that`s why I decided to release this collabo as well. Sadly, I`m also afraid that we won`t see anything from faceman in the future, but I hope he will notice soon that I released our collabo unfinnished.
I think you might be right. last time I opened this park to build something was roughly 4years ago. actually, I completely agree with the point this isn`t our best work. that`s why I decided to release this collabo as well. Sadly, I`m also afraid that we won`t see anything from faceman in the future, but I hope he soon will notice that I released our collabo unfinnished.
Is he still around? I'm afraid I lost his ICQ number and as World is dead..
EDIT: Added him on ICQ, found the number on his profile.. If you see him, please make him check his friend requests
Ivo, I think the park is from 2007? That's when it was advertised right?
actually, I completely agree with the point this isn`t our best work. that`s why I decided to release this collabo as well. Sadly, I`m also afraid that we won`t see anything from faceman in the future, but I hope he will notice soon that I released our collabo unfinnished.
Is he still around? I'm afraid I lost his ICQ number and as World is dead..
EDIT: Added him on ICQ, found the number on his profile.. If you see him, please make him check his friend requests
Not soon, but I noticed it
And Casimir, if you read this, try it on Facebook!
There are many Fabians on FB =D
Btw - WHAT THE F(aceman)!
I'd also like to point out that this proves my point that everyone comes back to NE at one point
Nice to see the same people around as 5 years ago xD