Park / Six Flags Washington
10-April 12
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I guess thats how Six Flags usually is for me, but I feel that this could have done with a bit more 'warmth' if that makes any sense.
The atmosphere is somewhat present, but very cold and almost clinical.
I'm sorry if I'm being harsh! I think you guys are fantastic builders, but I've just seen this done way too many times before.
I feel that you [Coupon] are capable of much greater!
Either way, congratulations on the accolade and completing the park. That in itself is something to be immensely proud of:]
-To much path around the entrance.
-It felt dead as In:Cites said.
-Scale! That woody would be huge looking as it's almost the same size as the hyper.
-Lastly, you need to not build mostly one story buildings. I had the same problem and trust, me, multi-story buildings open up so many options.
This still was a very good quality park and silver felt like the right reward to me. Glad to see you finish this and can't wait to see what you do in H2H.
You're putting down my work, too. It really is just like the old days!
Coupon, I really liked this, as evident by my votes. I do feel, like others have mentioned, there was a bit of sterility to it without any major attempts to give this some deeper character, but on the whole, it was an adept realistic park. Can't wait to see your stuff in H2H!
Let's face it, I've always put down your work, someone has to, I consider it valuable to you, we don't want you to go all egotistical on us with the god-like status everyone gives you
tdub96 Offline
A good park, not amazing, but cvertaintly deserving of the award in my eyes. The layouts were good, as expected from you guys. Especially the GCI, pretty good flow. I see the plain argument, but for me it was real easy to overlook. Intricate detail and realism always grabs my attention, and this park had that for sure.
Nice job guys, well deserved.
It was a decent park, fun to look at and kept my attention for a while, but there was a significant lack of little details, and the details that were there looked very very forced. I don't agree that it had no atmosphere, it just had an atmosphere that if you haven't been to a smaller park, you won't be able to find. It reminded me a lot of Lightwater Valley in that the rides were all just plonked in a field with the bare minimum done to them.
VanSchyndel Offline
And thats exactly what I gonna do!
[Accolade Review] SixFlags Washington (english audio)
A link to a german soundfile is in the video describtion
Moral of the story...I need to comb through the database more often if it means running into great parks like this that I somehow overlooked.
Now could you send me the track layout of Viper?