Park / Chamonix
09-May 05
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- Comments 45

73.75%(required: none)
Cocoa 80% G Force 80% Liampie 80% ][ntamin22 80% trav 75% 5dave 70% posix 70% Sulakke 70% alex 65% MCI 65% 73.75% -
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I am very pleased with the outcome, and I really enjoyed building it, and that's what matters.
In that they were so terrible.
Marshy, it's just so overdone without any real meaning, which is what bothers me. I enjoyed the coaster a little, but not a whole lot.
Kumba and JKay built a very neat coaster, but that was one of the shittiest theming jobs I've ever seen.
Corky, if you make all your corkscrews and loops at the same speed, there's no variation amoung your coasters. Different manufactureres have different pacings for the same elements; intamin corkscrews are taken on average much faster than B&M ones which in turn are faster than vekoma's which are faster than Arrows, all on the average coaster from these manufacturers. Theres just so much more to realism than just copying somebody like sa's or aero's styles that people these days don't see, when I see true realism such as beagle's park in the ad district be criticized at the same time.
that is all.
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