Thanks guy! About the foilage and surroundings, I assume that I didn't put too many effort on it. This project has a history to explain things about it, I'm going to translate it from portuguese and post it here later... =)
Felipe, you're wonderful. It's so cool how you have the ability to easily finish projects. I wouldn't be surprised if you improved really quickly. You have a sense of sincerity in all your works which reminds me of 5dave. Looking forward to seeing more from you.
Thanks Posix! But just to make things clear, this is not a recent work, it was done on last september and I don't think I'm fast at finishing them, I really think I'm kind lazy at it.. Also, I'm preparring a new project to be advertised and released on the forum, so you'll notice it Well, as I promissed, the story about the project, if there's any gramatical mistake or something that wou aren't understanding, tell me and I'll correct it:
Ronald Viewlich was an unquiet guy. Some who knew him used to call him as "The terrible". He was famous for being hard, rude and drunker, but he also had a great charisma by the local population.
Was in a sunny day, that two strangers appeared at his bar, "The Glass Eye", and made a purpose to him. He would have to climb the Mount Alguria, the highest peak of the country, in order to receive a great fortune. His family - specially his big brother, Richard – disagreed with the idea. "Are you crazy?! What would happen to us, if things go wrong?" But the neighboors were amazed by the project and tried to encourage him. Finally, he accepted, blinded by the glory and fame of "hero" he would get.
I may have to say he was not the first one to try to climb the Alguria. But certainly he was the luckiest one (at the point). And this even as the expedition failed! He slipped down through the steep mountain when he was almost at its half, during the fifth day. He lost the vision in one eye, the movements in one leg and got a scary face.
People didn't believe him anymore. He was challenged by a mountain, a stupid mountain! Again, family tried to stop him, but he was crazy and obsessed about it. With his own money, he made a sled, put some food on an old bag and started to go to the top of Alguria. This would be his “Edge of Glory” [way to add Lady GaGa to the story and give a cool name to the pirate ship, lol]
But then, a tragedy happens. A huge avalanche took place and tons of snow, rocks and sediments involved him. His body was never found, but his blind eye and some bloodstains. Ronald became a myth. The villagers named the small lake created by the defrosting of snow in his honor, and also build a memorial. The place is believed to be haunted by the population, but attract more and more tourists every year, interested on the life and the adventures of Ronald Viewlich.
Felipe// Offline
Felipe// Offline
Also, I'm preparring a new project to be advertised and released on the forum, so you'll notice it
Well, as I promissed, the story about the project, if there's any gramatical mistake or something that wou aren't understanding, tell me and I'll correct it: