Park / Cannonball
19-August 05
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Posix, you never fail to amaze me.
but it's good that you put my version back up, thank you. a service platform, sure, had i had more custom objects and the 4d, maybe
postit, about the brake, you misunderstand this. cork has explained it.
and it's not like i didn't enjoy making this. i wouldn't have done it otherwise. it's just that i was looking forward to playing ll again after this, somewhat. probably just because i have a lot of plans at the moment.
I liked the layout and theming ideas and I'll look into it more in depth. I just like the premise in general really, the fact that you played the game.
I was looking forward to you playing rct2, and you didn't disappoint me..
I love the simplicity and absolute natural beauty you put into it.. The lay-out of the coaster was also pretty smooth.. And the whole package fitted perfectly in the theme you choose (pirate)..
Congrats on this design and I hope this was no exception in you playing rct2..
ps; You should try out rct3
Damn I was hopeing to get the next design with a Kumba re-creation, im pretty hyped after rideing it 3x friday, I would have gone for more rides, but there was a swarm of wasps at the top of the lift and after having one of them land on my seat I was not in the mood to keep rideing. I mite have done Sheiker too, but I lost my pics of it and only took one ride on it befor running to Kumba, darn park decided to close at 6, I got there at 5
Sorry about the trip report Posix, conments soon tho...
Corkscrewed Offline
Well, SheiKra if you want to be anal.
RMM Offline
Rhynos Offline
and as for the basicness, it's what i consider the strong part about rct2, unlike the custom scenery mess.
but yeah, the ships weren't so good.
But what you need to do, is tell me how you managed that foliage work. In my opinion, that was the strongest point about this aside from the coaster. It was lovely.
Congrats, dude. When can we expect a big RCT2 venture from you?