Park / Squall
16-January 12
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54.23%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
Maverix 70% posix 70% robbie92 70% tyandor 65% Liampie 60% Phatage 55% That Guy 55% turbin3 55% 5dave 50% BelgianGuy 50% wheres_walto 50% JDP 45% K0NG 40% Levis 40% prodigy 40% 54.23% -
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Sephiroth, I was anticipating another release from you and was glad to see it finally happened. I wasn't disappointed. I think you have a lot of potential to produce some really killer parks and I'd love to see that happen.
I thought I'd explain some of the structural designs included in this for those that are unfamiliar with the Great Lakes area. As a structural engineering fan and student, I thoroughly enjoyed building the bridges, ore docks, and support structure for Squall. A little fun fact regarding the aircraft warning signals is that any structure 240 ft tall or higher is required to have them in my design. (note that I have included reference pictures in links as some are rather large).
First the actual ride. I always wondered what an Arrow-like giga coaster would be like, so I built one. I also wanted to try my hand at realistic looking Arrow supports, as I haven't seen any ingame that I thought did the real thing justice. Take my attempt for what you will.
And lol @Wanted, I see we have a FF VIII fan in the house! There is a little reference to an FF VIII character in the station is you haven't seen that already.
Sephiroth. I had a look at this today and I absolutely love it. The layout seems good, for such a big ride. The bridges were cool. The only problem I see why this didn't got design, is the refinement. If you refine it a bit more I think you can squeze out a 65% score.
Good stuff though...and great support work.
I think i know why people arn't inspired anymore here, but i should leave my opinion.
This is the most beautifull contestent i've seen here in month's. Unbelievable it din't make it.
No, please....enlighten us.
Flap, if you weren't going to say it anyways, why do mention it though... kinda unnessary.
These kind of situations are the ones that will cause NE to implode and kill all future accolades & forum activity. I only asked Posix a question about what he said, no need for others (except Posix) to reply on that.
I don't have the game right now so you should tell me the reference! And I'm just a FF fan in general
I like your "why" question. It's difficult to find an answer for me. Apparently, some people seem to take more pleasure in translating something they've seen in real life to RCT than others. Sephiroth outlined his inspiration very clearly above, but I would assume the majority of players don't work that way. This advice to look at photos, form a vision in your head that inspires how you build; it feels like I've heard it being replied to screens, or as if I've given it to people myself, almost every day. I would guess it requires a curiosity and joy for "modelling", as essential what you do is to model something up in RCT that you've seen with your own eyes or in images. There's always a certain fraction of "replication" involved, which is why I find this building style to not be the most creative. Further, parks that focus too much on translating something to RCT2 often run the risk of being completely fragmented in what they hold, as K0NG nicely pointed out for the bridges above. People don't usually go as far as to create a logical and witty composition of the entities they intend to add to their project due, I guess, to the annoyance of planning. I still believe it's a good thing to do though, because it helps people to know what to build instead of sitting in front of their park with this feeling of "omg, I just do not want to and will not finish you motherfucker!" Which is so often a shame.
So, my short answer, which is still pretty much of a guess, would be that it requires this "desire to model and replicate". I think it's safe to say there are people who clearly build for other motivators. I myself usually played for the pleasure of the emotional effect aesthetics in the game could evoke on me. But yeah, what you get is a bunch of projects, little "pretty" drops spilled on various maps, that never make it to anything substantial.
And, Cenis...I actually want to know his thoughts as it's obvious that there's somewhat of a lack of inspiration going around here ATM. At least on the surface.
And Posix, thanks for explaining your previous stated opinion, makes a lot more sense now. I agree with you on most points