Park / Canthose Valley Theme Park
22-November 08
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But I had to say, that my favorite park was:
All in all every entry was well done.
#2 - Pangaea - 15
#3 - Terra Antico - 14
#4 - Busch Gardens North America - 13
#5 - NeMica-Forgotten Land - 12
#6 - Metal Masters - 8
#7 - New Sun Park - 6
now WOMB, BGSS, BOMB, ALE, City of Dreams, Ghost Cell Crisis, The Aegean, Universal's Outrage, Disney Air, Battlefield RCT, Mont Saint Michel, Erwindale Forest.. THESE are some of the best parks in RCT because they're so incredibly unique. now i realize that i'm very biased to LL (and that is true), but to me it's more impressive when someone can create as much detail in LL as in RCT2; not the other way around.
5dave, you have the best park out of these other 6, and quite a lot of others outside of this contest too.. but it's missing the WOW factor. where's the WOW factor?
Glad you all liked the park.
@rct2_tom: Yeah the pyramid really is a bit big, but I think since it's housing a complete indoor ride with theming, it's no big deal...
@RRP: It was kinda squeezed in some places (the wonderland area), but I left some open spaces on the map egdes to make it a bit more harmonious. I don't like it when parks are sticking to all 4 map edges.
inVersed Offline
I feel what your saying, but I'd say that it really comes down to what you look for in a park. IMO, this park is way more aesthetically appealing than the other two winners. Architecturally, the details Dave included in this park are extraordinary and he was able to capture an atmosphere with this park that I don't feel was matched with either of the other winners. Maybe it comes down to the fact that even though I appreciated BGS and BOMB for their ingenuity, both parks were simply not my cup of tea when compared to other entries in the contest from over the years such as Canthose Valley, Sea World Brisbane, or Universals Cayman Island, all three capture the style I have preferred over the years
With that said, Dave you have put together a wonderful, highly inspirational park here. This park captures everything I ever look for in an RCT2 park. The theming and atmosphere was incredible. I appreciated the unique line up of coasters and I felt it worked really well here. Everything here was fanstastics.
For me the contest would have panned out like this..
1. Cantose Valley Theme Park (19)
2. Nemica Forgotten Land (15)
3. Tierra Antico (14)
4. BGNA (14)
5. Pangea (12)
6. New Sun Theme Park (7)
7. Metal Masters (5)
Please could someone help me!
FullMetal Offline
However, this isn't my favorite park ever, just because there's nothing in it that is immediately memorable to me. There is a lot of fantastic work here of course. But the small scale and the not fully immersive themes, while fitting the bill of a small family friendly park, don't grab the eyes and say "look at me".
If I had to rank and score each park, I would do so thus.
1) Canthose Valley - 16
2) Busch Gardens North America - 14 (probably 18 if finished)
3) Nemica - 13
4) Pangaea - 12
5) Terra Antico - 12
6) Metal Masters - 6 (probably 15 if finished)
7) New Sun Theme Park - 6
I really loved this park, because it is so different from the parks we usually see. You put a family park into this which fits the size of the map extremely well. All the attention to details is absolutely gorgeous.
This clearly is one of the best parks I have ever seen.
also props to Posix and the team for getting this out there and with superb presentation to boot
My Placings:
1. Canthose Valley [19]
2. Nemica [17]
3. Pangaea [15]
4. Terra Antico [15]
5. Busch Gardens North America [13]
6. Metal Masters [12]
7. New Sun Park [8]
I'm really happy to see a park like this finished, just great!
Congrats on winning the PT3, it is really really well deserved!
Thank you!
I can't believe this park is 6 years old! One of my favorites of all time for sure.
Thanks for your comment, Austin!
Wow, I'm glad someone bumped this as it's a great park and I'd never heard of it before.
It seems like it was way ahead of it's time in terms of detailing. If this park was released today it would probably win gold easily and that's saying something for a park that's 6 years old.
This reminds me a lot of a Faas release with things like the playground, the building style and the architecture adding detail to the entrance huts (though I believe back then this was the only way to hide them). I love that we can hack them away now but I always loved seeing the creative solutions people had to make them fit in before this wasn't an option. Oh... and that invert is outstanding.