Park / El Matador

Park_2158 El Matador


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    For NCS, this is decent...the coaster, anyway. The roofs were kind of bland, didn't really match the other colors, and were unattractive, and I didn't really see the point of that Giga Coaster track. The foliage also looks quite "preplanned" in spots...
    Layout: +30% Good, but not all that great.
    Foliage: -15% No. :|
    Architecture: -5% ...meh. Not feeling it.
    Supports: +5% The support work helps it, at least.
    Overall: 15% The layout was somewhat entertaining-though the pacing near the end kind of hurt my opinion of it.

    In the future, I'd suggest adding some kind of protective fence around the coaster- not just on the outside edge, where it doesn't do any good against preventing guests from going where they shouldn't. And if you ever get into using CS, the 1/8-tile deco blocks are great for wooden coaster footers.
  • nin%s's Photo
    The coaster was beautiful. The surroundings, not so much. I wish you'd take this layout, or a bit of an updated one (as this had its share of slow spots/bad pacing) and up the surroundings a bit, perhaps even ditching the "this is within a park" theme and just go all out. I think then you'd find it much easier to build and play.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    This shows some talent. Try to work on your composition (most importantly ride/theming/path interactions and sightlines), and try to use some more colour. Looking forward to seeing more of you. :)

    By the way, I like that you're from Mexico.
  • In Flames%s's Photo
    Thank you guys, I will consider all your comments in my next projects.
  • posix%s's Photo
    I agree it shows promise. I like your focus on naturalness. You have started to develop a sense for aesthetically pleasing greenery. I think you might want to put more thought into your architecture. Only buildings with enough function they must serve make enough sense and will give you interesting design ideas.

    Do you have plans on what to build next already? I'm curious.
  • In Flames%s's Photo
    I was thinking about to do a park all in spanish (NCS)but I don't know. :)
  • 36.92%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 36.92%
    SSSammy 55%
    tyandor 50%
    K0NG 45%
    Maverix 45%
    CedarPoint6 40%
    Loopy 40%
    robbie92 40%
    Liampie 35%
    nin 35%
    posix 35%
    prodigy 35%
    Kumba 30%
    Phatage 30%
    JDP 20%
    wheres_walto 20%
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