it sounds as if it doesn not have the rights to create and write a new files to the rct root folder.
or maybe no space on your hd is left?
or, after installing, you changed the folder name of rct and now it doesn't find the folder it was told to by the install anymore and hence cannot screenshot.
by the way, once you got a little used to stacking with beast, go and choose the codex trainer by darkfire.
it makes stacking a zillions times easier.
I will try to fix the screenshot problem, and if I can't, I guess I will have to try something else. Is there any other way to load a screen so I can post it? :' />
Everytime i run rct1 its fine, i browse parks fine. But when i exit the game, minimise the game (e.g if i want to use a trainer on my work) i have to CRTL,ALT,DEL to get my computer to respond, otherwise it wont click or open nothing but LL, its weird. For example i have minimised, i wouldnt be able to open start menu, any folder, use a trainer. I really need this problem fixed because i have started building and want to continue. I dont really feel like pressing CTRL,ALT,DEL everytime i need to hack or do something else on my computer while using LL.
Btw im using XP and i really hope you know hwo to fix this. It bugs me alot.
when you minimize it or anything, you have to right-click outside of the window first before you can do anything. xp doesn't recognize LL well since it's so old, or something like that.
That's really weird I don't have a problem with alt+tabbing...
Most of the time i'm in window mode anyways but even in full screen i have no problem. :S
or maybe no space on your hd is left?
or, after installing, you changed the folder name of rct and now it doesn't find the folder it was told to by the install anymore and hence cannot screenshot.
by the way, once you got a little used to stacking with beast, go and choose the codex trainer by darkfire.
it makes stacking a zillions times easier.
I will try to fix the screenshot problem, and if I can't, I guess I will have to try something else. Is there any other way to load a screen so I can post it?
Everytime i run rct1 its fine, i browse parks fine. But when i exit the game, minimise the game (e.g if i want to use a trainer on my work) i have to CRTL,ALT,DEL to get my computer to respond, otherwise it wont click or open nothing but LL, its weird. For example i have minimised, i wouldnt be able to open start menu, any folder, use a trainer. I really need this problem fixed because i have started building and want to continue. I dont really feel like pressing CTRL,ALT,DEL everytime i need to hack or do something else on my computer while using LL.
Btw im using XP and i really hope you know hwo to fix this. It bugs me alot.
Most of the time i'm in window mode anyways but even in full screen i have no problem. :S
it has something to do with telling windows what currently is the active window to respond to, i believe.
Silenced Offline
However on my keyboard it is directly to the right of F12.
click yourself through those 3 or 4 menus rct1 has and you'll find them.
meanwhile pm me with your email.
guide update coming soon.
guide majorly overhauled.
links fixed.
tried to shorten it a little and make it easier and quicker to find info.
it's still kinda big and i wonder if it'll work for people.
and yeah, i got swept away with this new kuler thing of adobe