Thanks a lot, but as you can see, I edited my post above... problem fixed.
Again, my appologies. Thing is, I thought I had tried loading the park from the game many times before, and it still hadn't worked. Oh well, I am just downright horrible with computers, that's what it comes down to.
Just thought i'd commend you on keeping this updated - it's very useful. Also, do you have any idea why I can't click on different windows and icons when playing LL in windowed mode? Graphics? Bug?
do you have any idea why I can't click on different windows and icons when playing LL in windowed mode? Graphics? Bug?
it's little strange, really. xp sees itself and rct as two different interfaces. to work with one of the two, you first must "enable" it. you do so by right clicking to mark it as the active one. all inputs via keyboard and mouse will only be listened from the active interface.
Posix, have you ever considered putting this up in a webpage?
well, to begin with, i neither have webspace nor can i code. also, who would really visit the page? ll is fairly old and apart from ne hardly anyone cares for the game nowadays. i guess it's in good hands at the ne forums.
I had a problem with removing height restrictions, where when I would go into "ride options" it would exit out of the game. I donno why, but it stopped doing it.
Hi Posix. Do you know of any way around the annoying map-edge glitch, where the side walls of the map disappear on two sides, creating multiple images of what's built above? (see: some of the microparks in the Revolution project for examples).
why did you not read, butter? too much text? not well arranged?
EDIT- Fixed now, at any rate. Turns out, I might not have followed the 1.5 guide thouroughly. My appologies.
guide updated.
- added 3.6)
- re-worded some sections and added explanation or new insights
- slightly changed the layout
Again, my appologies. Thing is, I thought I had tried loading the park from the game many times before, and it still hadn't worked. Oh well, I am just downright horrible with computers, that's what it comes down to.
- added 3.7)
- some minor fixes.
XP, 32mb graphics etc.
Richie Offline
well, to begin with, i neither have webspace nor can i code. also, who would really visit the page? ll is fairly old and apart from ne hardly anyone cares for the game nowadays. i guess it's in good hands at the ne forums.
Silenced Offline
btw, fuck rct3.
Sometimes i'm not surprised posix despairs
But thanks for the right-click tip.