Park / Ports Of Quaderia

Park_2141 Ports Of Quaderia


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • ivo%s's Photo
    woho, this looks spectecular from the overvieuw!
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Should've won! :(
  • olddtfan51%s's Photo
    This is a really nice park the way the different sections flow into each other. Also I like the way the rides weave in and out of each other.
  • ivo%s's Photo

    There were areas in the park which I didn't liked and others that were awesome. Like you explained in the read-me that has to do with your progression as builder. I think it is good that you didn't delete the old areas. It shows your progression in a nice way. It would be a waste if you erased them.

    As told before the bridges going from one and another area are really nice. I think they would profit from a little trick. Now the objects are floating on the water. But you can make the pillars go on through the bottom.

    -lower water
    -built the bridge as you want
    -8 cars --> zero claerence
    -raise the water
    -8 cars --> restore clearence

    So you get something like this:
    Posted Image

    That clockworks area was by far my favorite. It was new and refreshing but the whole area didn't clash with itself. And loads of idead... so good

    And it is a shame that you didn't made it to bronze (same score as your last park OMG!!!) but you should be proud of the nice park you delivered :D
  • tyandor%s's Photo
    Bit of bad luck you just didn't get bronze, but tbh the score is spot on. The reason I voted you 50% is that you certainly show a lot of potential, but aren't there quite yet.
  • 47.69%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 47.69%
    Liampie 60%
    wheres_walto 60%
    JDP 55%
    5dave 50%
    Dimi 50%
    Maverix 50%
    prodigy 50%
    robbie92 50%
    SSSammy 50%
    tyandor 50%
    Wicksteed 45%
    K0NG 40%
    nin 40%
    turbin3 30%
    CedarPoint6 25%
  • Description

    This park was completed after a long hiatus, owing to the fact that I was pleased with the entrance area and wanted to finish off the rest of the park too. However, I felt that the other areas were a bit... meh.

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  • Objects 338
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