Park / Lucifer's Angels
21-December 05
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Corkscrewed Offline
I got a pleasant surprise over the weekend when I looked in the NE mailbox and found two Design Submissions! And not bad ones, but good ones!
It seems like Designs have been keeping the site running lately, but better these than nothing. And the past few Designs have definitely been pretty cool. These two aren't shabby either.
Metropole invites us into a world of dueling demons with his dueling inverted coaster, Lucifer's Angels. Meanwhile, egghead takes us to a town terrorized by a Big Bear, or at least I think that's the story.
In any case, we've got some quality work here, so I encourage you to check these Designs out, comment, and boost Metro's and eggie's egos. I mean, we don't want NE to be only about music.... right?
Oh, and egghead submitted his logo, so I'm not quite sure who to credit for it, egghead, or someone else.
Corkscrewed Offline
oooo i got rct back ( i love posix so much
damn that was nice I LOVED the track built into the shop to make a sign, im so stealing that trick! I really liked this, but j/k your not as good as slob... yet
Metro I hated half your entry and loved the rest, the top spin was stunning, I loved the landblock work on it. The coaster duel was very good, as was the station, but damn your "theming" is nothing but trees and ugly ass buildings, all the time too, not just here, and the atmospher is just bleak and sad, I can tell by now thats how you like your themes coz you do that on... well everything but I really can't stand it. Wake me when you try something new.
Well just checked out both of them and they are both very diferent.
Big bear: Excellent. You produced some class work there, My favourite bits were the moving cog at the start of the lift hill, the custom tables you did for the cafe and the steel walkways. I also liked your station alot, detailed and realistic. I like the layout, you did a good job. Overall it looked good all around, this is the first ive viewed of your work and im sure it won't be the last.
LA: I love the start of the coasters, and after that it sails through a great layout till the end (for both of them). I liked the archy you did aswell. I especially liked your top spin you did in the little caves with the waterfall back. That was effective and i can imagine being on the ride in those cool surroundings.
Congrats on the design's
Richie Offline
its not a huge deal, i was just laughing because theres an arguement about this walkway in a forum topic somewhere when egghead showed the teaser.
woo. what a run on sentence that was /\
Corkscrewed Offline
Wow, you pretty much summed up how i feel about my own work right now. I do have (once again) full access to RCT2. While I don't feel I can make a quality entry for the PT2 in a month, I will soon be working on something. And, with a bit of luck, it will be quite...if not very different from my usual.
its all a cycle though, i got the idea originally from rrp, and now it looks like you got the idea from me. good company for me to be in i guess.
Well, these were two fantastic and high quality designs. Although, egg_head's was VERY much like metalhead's thrillmatic woodie, I still really enjoyed it. Some simple architecture that complimented the coaster and atmosphere. Good job.
I'm very pleased with Metro's design as well. The color scheme is wonderful, and I was hugely impressed by the landscaping. The coaster layouts are really great, considering the amount of land they cover. Great job here!
Good job guys and im loving metros logo.
Lucifers Angels
Yay Metro is back! The coaster layouts were paced superbly, and they dueled better than any other dueling coaster i've seen. The architecture was a little bland in places, but it kind of gave it its own unique atmosphere. The layout, for me was perfect- and what i really like is the shift in heights throughout the layout, its great to see a rollercoaster where a lot of it is below the path.
Anyway, I'm not impressed with either of these from the overviews, I'll edit this post when I've looked at them both in game.
Big Bear
I didn't like this. I didn't like the archy or the coaster design. Sorry Egg.
Lucifers Angels
I liked this a lot. I loved the archy and the coasters were much better than given off by the overview, the landscaping on the lift hill could have used some work though.
Edited by trav, 22 December 2005 - 08:29 AM.
Checking yours out now Egg.