Park / Dueling Dragons
08-November 06
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NE is proud to present two new Designs from Faceman and JK!
Faceman's Dueling Dragons design has finally been added after several months of waiting in the queue because we didn't have web space. You may have seen it in the "Place to Release Your Parks" forum, but if you haven't take a look at it now! It's an amazing reiteration of the IOA coaster, but it's by no means a recreation! In fact, it's good enough that I decided to make it a Design even though he prematurely released it onto the forums before it was judged!
And then there's JK, who's really heated things up lately with strong H2H performance and just overall great work. Tolán is his THIRD (count 'em!) Design to date, and most likely his best. Unique factoid about this Design? It's the first one not to take its name from its main roller coaster. Go figure.
In any case, I think these two gentlemen deserve a round of applause for submitting stuff... and my thanks for their patience in waiting for the Designs to be posted. Bravo, guys! I hope to see more work from you!
gonna check out JK's in a few but looks freakin sick
Still a really nice design i loved the castle entrances with water flowing out of the area. That was a really nice touch. Anyway this park definatly deserves to be a design as you can see you've put alot of hard work into it. Glad its payed off for you mate.
Good luck in your future work because i know it'll be really nice
Ok now an extra bit of info about my design. For those who don't know, Tolan is an ancient city in aztec myths. I wanted to create this in a semi realistic area. I tryed to concentrate on the landscaping and coaster to start off with. I think it payed off as my coaster has alot more than some flat land and some foliage. My pride and joy of the park is the coaster design and the theming for the water ride. I was really happy how both turned out.
So yeah this design took me a month to build which is quite hard during h2h4 but it was a really nice break and i loved building on this every minute. I hope you all enjoy it because theres certainly more where that came from.
Major thanks to Cork and Kumba who looked at the design, the logo's are absolutly amazing so thanks alot for that as well.
Edited by J K, 08 November 2006 - 06:43 PM.
Edited by JDP, 09 November 2006 - 08:13 AM.
Also...JK's 3rd design; that's great man. Keep going with all your RCT stuff, which I'm really looking forward to.
Congrats for both of you
It's an honor for me to be here on this beautiful page
JK, congrats to your 3rd design.
Nice buildings, a great coaster and an perfect atmosphere.
To say it simple, it is an amazing design!
Trying to catch up after a month of no access to RCT, I still have to view them both ingame, but will do coming weeks. Both are looking very good from what I can see.
@JK: Wow! so many winning designs in a short time...good fun and good job for sure