Park / Banshee

Park_2076 Banshee


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • posix%s's Photo
    I was quite let down by this Mav. Comes short of your previous works and seems a bit half-assed. How come?
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    Maverix step out of your comfort zone !
  • Maverix%s's Photo
    Chorkiel, I'm trying man.

    Posix, I started this with, what seemed like, a ton of inspiration, but as I kept building it faded and this turned into a "get it done" thing rather than building for please and making it look perfect. It didn't seem to terribly bad at the time, but looking back, it's easy to see the flaws. I'll take it as a learning experience and move on to bigger and better things.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I really had the feeling I've seen the complete design before.
  • Flap%s's Photo
    I'ts a bit like Kong: Too much brown
  • Dimi%s's Photo
    The architecture and the layout were both very nice, so I didn't think this was that bad. However, I didn't like the foliage at all, you always use the same artificial looking pattern. The rapids were very poorly executed and seemed rather useless. The park lacks details, atmosphere and a clear theme, and it looked like it was unfinished or very rushed. It's the same story as with your previous submissions: you show a lot of potential and you could make beautiful stuff if you pay more attention to the things I mentioned and take the time to make your work look perfect in your own eyes instead of just ready to be submitted.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    thing in a place syndrome.