Park / The Hunchback of Notre Dame
09-June 07
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Thanks. I agree. We are already trying to get JDP to post more thoughtfully in the 50 times a day he does so and fortunately he seems like a decent guy, but you are like his immature 9 year old brother.
I'm going to defend Jazz here. As far as I remember, his was the only one with any sort of atmosphere that drew me in. No, the coaster is not one of the best ever, and the pacing lags tremendously in the first half. But once you hit the first big drop, it's a nice coaster on a nice hillside landscape. It was borderline worthy. The others held my attention for about 30 seconds.
Personally I think the "you couldn't do any better therefore you have no right to talk shit" argument is a load of crap. But I want the people who are calling Jazz's coaster terrible to try and make a better hillside woodie. This site's coaster building standards have gone nowhere for the past 4 YEARS because everyone is obsessed with 600 pieces of scenery per tile. The population of this site points the finger at Jazz here, yet 95% of them could not simultaneously make a coaster that was theoretically rideable and unify said coaster, landscaping, and theming as well as he did. Do you people realize how rare a well-paced, well-themed terrain woodie with nice landscape interaction actually is? If you want to cite some standard which Jazz has failed to meet here, go out and prove that it exists as more than a rarity. I'd be happy.
i thought the purpose of the pro tour was exclusivity. in my opinion, the pro tour shouldn't be linked to anything else on this site except to what it has traditionally been: outstanding prelims + parkmakers. designs do not match the excitement and unpredictability of the prelims, and thus it's difficult to compare. now you've essentially made designs an extension of the prelims, and suddenly the pro tour becomes less pro (no offense to design winners). in my opinion you're stretching the field too wide.
I am safely returning back to the normal me but slowly now... It's basically what being out of school done to me, became a bit of an ass. But am back to civilised society, at school now till the 20th July, so consider it safe until then.
Thanks a lot Panic, I greatly appreciate defending me as well as my coaster ... you perfectly explained everything.
You and I seem to be one of the few people on this website that truly value sprawling, terrain woodies that don't require over-detailed nonsense (as the majority of the members here).
Thanks again for your compliments.
^ Ooooh, laugh, laugh Jazz, for your reaction this one
when I just read this post of Panic's I thought that he meant you being the immature 9 year old brother of someone and he being so right.......
Will certainly be due to my crappy English that interpreted this wrongly, and being far from being a coaster-expert I will refrain from commenting on your entry, but being rather experienced as well as appreciated in my own profession I always thought it must be a severe unresolved psychological trauma in you that makes you react in the way you do react to others, as well as it must explain the utmost unpleasant, clumsy and childish narcistic way you try to uphold yourself in comments to others as well in your try to defend yourself and place yourself above others by just and only words........
(don't worry, if life really ever gets so tough for you personally that you start to realise that it might be because of this 9 (5)-year-old attitude of yours, there are good helps available, and yes! Everyone in this world is entitled to be helped getting happy and balanced as a human being.
I know that by now you will always deny you ever would need any "help", which of course is your right also.....Wishing you well, jazz, from the deepest of my heart)
@Panic - You should get the School of Parkmaking back up, or at least the School of Coaster-Making. I know I couldn't 'simultaneously make a coaster that was theoretically rideable and unify said coaster, landscaping, and theming', considering earlier in my post.
Gwazi - I'm willing to give you some pointers, but I realized that a school of parkmaking would rob people of their individual styles. There are already enough people that make fun of the so-called parkmaking "standards" this place always imposes on newbies. There are some things I would be willing to point out regarding coasters though, so PM me maybe.
I'm not sure if it's more amusing that Emergo onomatopoeia-izes laughter or that Jazz, however much I back him on this coaster, just got owned by a chick.
Corkscrewed Offline
-Basically Quest's layout, while better than many of the coasters released lately, lagged too much to be even close to legendary. The theming would've been passable had it been finished, but alas, it was not. The foliage was quite decent imo, and contributed greatly to creating a solid atmosphere. The architecture that was complete was all quite excellent, even if the forms have been done before; the reason 2X2 is popular is because it looks good! The peeps made the atmosphere better too. Maybe if this had been complete on the theming end I wouldn't be protesting. The coaster was certainly more satisfying than Hunchback, but the gaps in theming and the generally slow layout killed it for me.
-Hunchback's theming and atmosphere save it's ass for me. The coaster itself wasn't too bad up until the block brakes, but I have to agree with Six Frags on the cost of lack of corkscrew animation. The coaster looked awkward as hell for it. The cathedral itself was extremely well done, though stained glass would've taken it to the next level. The surroundings seemed Paris-like enough in the river aspect, but I don't know about the rest having never visited. The little details, like the ladders going down to the water, really got me. The overall atmosphere was also rather wholesome and such. Overall though it feels a little disjointed, like a bunch of great ideas kinda forced together without any real flow. It's cool for sure, but far from perfect.
-Formula 1 was pretty much everything a design should be: a great coaster with great surroundings. The main thing I liked about it so much though was the way that the coaster was really the star. The "over-integration" of coasters into theming is something that's really become a disease these days. If the layout isn't strong enough to stand out in the open then it's not good enough period. Why can't everyone just build their coasters out over a go-kart track? That track too was quite pleasant too, though I could swear that X250 did something similar for a race theme in The Masterpiece. The buildings supported the feel without interfering, they're really not much on their own, which is a shame considering how talented you (egg_head) are, but it's still very acceptable. The 2nd half of the layout wasn't flawless, but the sudden turn into the corkscrew was one of the sweetest things I've seen in a while so I guess I don't mind.
And as your design being better than eman's... to be completely honest, his picks up the win. His was a lot more put together and seemed more complete. I think that people think that a design has to have an actual theme to become one. I am pissed for the fact someone can create the best and most realistic coaster ever but it won't get a design spot because it was not themed or anything. It just has a normal realistic station and buildings that suround it. I know what I am saying my sound a bit confusing but I think I am making a good point. I feel that coasters are becoming designs because of foilage and arch... Not the actual coaster itself. But, thats just my opinion.
@ Painic- Yeah. I have finally come to the conclusion that I really need to stop being a dickhead on the site. I just mess around to piss everyone off. I don't take you guys serious for the fact it is just some fourms on the internet. I hope none of you guys actually take this to heart. I would like to take this time to seriously say sorry. Sorry to JJ, ACEfanatic, Turtle, tE, Lucas and who ever else I really pissed off in the past. So now I will put effort into actual making reasonable post and attempt to get on everyones good side...
Edited by JDP, 12 June 2007 - 09:51 PM.
I had to...
Bravo. I applaud you on your efforts, for the vast majority of your points are certainly true. You also have the RCT skills to back them up, so I respect you for that.
However, if you say you are as experienced as you are in your "profession", then perhaps you can explain to me how a 55-year old woman addicted to Roller Coaster Tycoon isn't absurd?
Also, when Panic said "immature 9-year old brother", he was reffering to JJ, not me ... anyone with proper English skills could determine this.
Edited by Jazz, 14 June 2007 - 01:03 PM.
Jazz, I think Emergo is like 30. Her being a chick is unusual enough in this ultra-sausagefest of a forum, but if that had any bearing on how legitimate her points were, someone would already have brought it up and her posts wouldn't singlehandedly change the course of topics like they always do. So you don't need to resort to personal blows.
At the same time, Jazz has a reason to be pissed off. I would be pissed off too if I entered the Pro Tour 2 and every other post between the releases of parks #15 and #9 was basically "oooh, I bet the next one will be Jazz, he sucks."
that doesn't make any sense. You need rct skills to back up an opinion on how someone is reacting?
seriously, there's no reason to attack someone unprovoked like that. and even if it was provoked, he could be the bigger man and act more maturely about the whole ordeal.