Indeed, this park isn't brand new, it has been at many RCT-sites. That's why I decided to release it here just as a download but not as an accolade. And, secondly, it has to many flaws to be real good
I really liked this park. I found the Rome part the best one.
Thank you, although there's no Rome part in this park. I pressume you're looking at the Egyptian part, but I'm not sure. If so, this was the last part of the park that was built, so I learned from the other areas.
Ever since I found this on RCTHolland, this has been my favorite ncso park.
One Question: Why dind't you send it in as a Accolade?
I Really liked it! Especially the Wildmouse!
This could have won a Bronze or Silver!
This is Really Download Worthy!
Accolade ==> see other reply. The Wildmouse is the second one, the first one was totally different but not that nice. This one is a bit weird, especially in colors of the buildings. I'm thinking of changing the colors (4th time already) but I not that sure. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas about that, just let me know!
"I want to get off Canyon Pursuit" . Check out the track.
Ah, that's the only thing what really bothers me, the massive amount of breakdowns of that Intamin Launcher. Has anyone any solution for this? If theire are none, just close (twice) and reopen the track.
Thank you, although there's no Rome part in this park. I pressume you're looking at the Egyptian part, but I'm not sure. If so, this was the last part of the park that was built, so I learned from the other areas.
I Really liked it!
Especially the Wildmouse!
This could have won a Bronze or Silver!
This is Really Download Worthy!
tdub96 Offline
Accolade ==> see other reply.
The Wildmouse is the second one, the first one was totally different but not that nice. This one is a bit weird, especially in colors of the buildings. I'm thinking of changing the colors (4th time already) but I not that sure. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas about that, just let me know!
Ah, that's the only thing what really bothers me, the massive amount of breakdowns of that Intamin Launcher. Has anyone any solution for this? If theire are none, just close (twice) and reopen the track.