Park / Oakgrove Park

Park_2046 Oakgrove Park


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Chillsons%s's Photo
    Looks very messy from the overview.
  • RMM%s's Photo
    i gave this a 25% simply because of the amount of roller coasters. itis roller coaster tycoon, by the way.
  • Hex%s's Photo

    Looks very messy from the overview.

  • prodigy%s's Photo
    loool @ RMM!

    If it's that easy to get a 17,69% or a 25% only cause there are 20 coasters or something like that on the map, you could jump to hall of fame rank #1 in one day... and that only with crap...

    @ the builders: some ideas had been really nice, but all in all it looked just rushed. I think with a bit more effort you could easily get much higher scores...
  • rct2isboss%s's Photo
    I am interested to here from RCTCA about how he thought it was accolade-worthy. :rolleyes:
  • syndreamer%s's Photo
    Yep this made as rollercoaster happy theme park...As for aesthetics, not one of my best. And from seeing other creations and that most of the NE team designs realistic parks. I'm happy with my score. Now to apply it for a new park. Thanks for the votes guys!
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    rct2isboss i want to know why you think your shit is accoldale worthy.
    Answer me that.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    I don't recall him saying that he thought it was. But, that's beside the point. I'm just curious as to where exactly Accoldale is located. Is it somewhere near Oakdale? Or, maybe Irwindale? Answer me that.

    And I don't see how this received two zeros. It wasn't that bad.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    You know, from the overview it doesn't look bad. In fact, it looks nice and fun with the same simplistic charm most older parks have.
  • Flap%s's Photo
    Eh... What did you do to the pannelist... OMG...

    I feel quite sorry for them now, @rctisboss: Sometimes, i think when you post something, How do he think, it is accolade worthy...
  • Cena%s's Photo

    I am interested to here from RCTCA about how he thought it was accolade-worthy. :rolleyes:

    He was drunk.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    you guys are fucktards to know RCTCA builds like this.
  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    Since everyone seems so interested in why I thought this was accolade worthy and that I must've been under the influence while voting, here's why. I found it to have a really old school charm(since it was made in 2001). It brought me back to the good ole' days of RCT Station in 1999/2000. While the park isn't really realistic or up to NE's "standards", whatever those are, I feel that he fulfilled the object of the game - to build roller coasters. Carrie/syndreamer - I also enjoyed the layouts of the coasters along with the colors of them. Nice job on that. While there was an obsessive amount of trees, I think it worked in this instance.

    But then again, this is just me, so go ahead and whine about how I thought it was worthy of something. I thought it was.

    If you are still playing the game you two, I will be looking forward to more. :)
  • 17.69%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 17.69%
    RCTCA 50%
    5dave 30%
    Casimir 30%
    RMM 25%
    BelgianGuy 20%
    inVersed 20%
    Loopy 20%
    Maverix 20%
    Wicksteed 20%
    Levis 15%
    Liampie 10%
    posix 10%
    turbin3 10%
    nin 0%
    prodigy 0%
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