Park / Busch Gardens North America (2010)


  • Flap%s's Photo
    RCTMASTA: The state of NewElement on most sites is only the best can join the club,
    So that's why many don't call it a fansite anymore but a bunch of nerds that have too much time to play this game. :mantis:
  • posix%s's Photo
    I never commented on this. I'm impressed you finished your entry after it was already released. Shows you really cared for this park. I'm sincerely sorry we took forever to release this.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the layouts and was impressed by the many interactions they had with the park. Yet it all felt really cramped together and as though hardly anything had enough air to breathe. I think you should "relax your style" a bit. The more generous you are with space around a coaster, ride, or building, the more it will stand out and attract attention. So especially on a coaster I would say there needs to be a certain belt around it with nothing that wants too much attention. In this case, everything was rivalling with everything and created great disharmony for me. The maximum of this effect was the "big swing" ride tucked away in the corner of the map. Creatively and technically brilliant, but not given any chance to shine. Evoked the impression in me that you were suffering from a too small map. Was that the case?

    To bring my point to a one sentence suggestion for your future projects: Think more into the balance of meaningfulness of your park's features, which currently I find is missing.