For a park that is a someones first, this is one of the best I've seen so far!
Need a park that is filled with lot's of things to do? Well Plasurewood Forest is the perfect place. The landscaping, the rides, everything goes good together. Very rarely do you ever see parks that contain this many rides, or have this much room. The parks rides all fit together really nicely, and the theme tops everything off! There is a wide variety of rides, and I think this park deserves an award!
Not related to the park, but nice name and avatar. In Flames is pretty good, although their best song is a Pendulum song, Self vs. Self (ft. In Flames).
VanSchyndel Offline
Need a park that is filled with lot's of things to do? Well Plasurewood Forest is the perfect place. The landscaping, the rides, everything goes good together. Very rarely do you ever see parks that contain this many rides, or have this much room. The parks rides all fit together really nicely, and the theme tops everything off! There is a wide variety of rides, and I think this park deserves an award!
Great job In Flames, and keep up the good work!!
But dw. I wil take a look inside. Vanschyndel made me to take a look at it.
Well, it's Ride here Ride there,
I think your park needs some more space between rides!
Not every little unfilled space has to be filled with a ride.
People also want to see some nature and some places where they can have a rest instead of the themepark rides.
Just a tip, but this actually wasn't that bad i agree.
tdub96 Offline
Not exceptionally good, but as far as first submissions go, it's great.