Park / Global Funpark
21-July 11
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- Comments 6

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As you decide to make a full loop remake of a Coaster, or Flatride, Don't let it crash when you raise the speed!
The Launchcoaster, The Colours don't quite fit with each other and i think you should fix the support colour.
Actually your layout's getting improved, but tha Vertical drop on your Floorless coaster isn't that realistic although, you made some improvements!
The only ride i Really like to see is the Yellow hangover Coaster!
Verry original and never seen that design before!
I Also agree that it's too empty, more Nature or Architectural things.
Keep on going, but i agree with the pannel list!
A good upload is not a quick finish!
It's a work to put a lot time into it!
Always renember that
i regret my decision