Park / Hydra
29-July 11
- Views 2,128
- Downloads 486
- Fans 0
- Comments 14

21.67%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
Casimir 35% Liampie 25% RCTCA 25% That Guy 25% BelgianGuy 20% inVersed 20% posix 15% geewhzz 5% 21.67% -
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tdub96 Offline
Me Either,
Begin is nice,
But than from the left part to the end it's kinda Crap.
Supporting is really nice!
like that one.
Station i think, to huge, to grey.
Also it's a little to empty around,
More nature, lakes etc. they would make it better.
inVersed Offline
what do u mean?
tdub96 Offline