Park / Walt's Disneyland Utopia
23-January 05
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Cocoa 80% 5dave 75% Dr_Dude 75% G Force 75% alex 70% Jaguar 70% posix 70% Dimi 65% Liampie 65% Sulakke 65% 70.63% -
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Anyway, it was definitely quite a hard call. In fact, I was considering Spotlight on a couple of occassions. But ultimately, the park didn't have that final "it" factor for me. I should mention that when Iris was contemplating Bijou Magic, I actually didn't think it was Spotlight caliber. This park is amazingly good, and I like to think that it fits the quality I demand for these new Super Runners Up. Meaning they're very damn good, but just a hair beneath Spotlight threshold.
No knock to Aero at all, though. In fact, I totally agree with the DMA comparisons. DMA was Runner Up originally but got voted Spotlight in the Awards. I should figure out how to do that when I have time... school keeps me busy.
The areas were well defined, and all flowed together perfectly. The facades on some of the buildings, esepcially the train stations were immensly beautiful. I was not crazy about the roofing of the flat buildings... it didn't look so great. I wish you would have used a different texture for the flat building tops.
The fire mountain area was my favorite. There were plenty of nice "details & touches" in the park, that I enjoyed.
It seems like you always have a realistic traditional approach to the game. I love it. Keep up the great work.
Sorry, I'm still a huge fan of yours, but this park seemed a bit sloppy, and although you've said that you were taking your time with this one, alot of it looked rushed. Maybe though, this park will grow on me. In fact, I'm sure that it will. For now I just feel a bit let down because i was expecting one of the greatest RCT2 parks of all time. It was good, not great. Well deserved super runner up though.... but I can see why it didn't win spotlight. So congrats anyways, and I'm definitly looking very foward to your next RCT project, Cinescape.
This was released before Iceman sent his in. Iceman will win the next spotlight. There wasn't a spotlight this round. Bayfront Parc and this both got Super Runner-Ups to each other, I guess...
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