Park / Vulture
13-July 11
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91.54%(required: 65%)
Maverix 100% BelgianGuy 95% Metropole 95% nin 95% robbie92 95% That Guy 95% wheres_walto 95% Wicksteed 95% Casimir 90% JDP 90% prodigy 90% turbin3 90% Milo 85% Kumba 80% Loopy 75% 91.54% -
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By the way, I'm standing by the orange, considering it was my suggestion. It pops really well, adds a sense of realism to the design, and offers a bold, but not overbearing, contrast to the brown. It's not like it's as bad as, you know, The Day After Tomorrowland or anything...
The landscaping brought it down for me a little though because, as others said, it is pretty dull. Sometimes that could be ok but when it is this much of a focus it would've been nice to see a little variation in there. Overall because the coaster and other surroundidngs were very strong I think I would've went with an 85-90
And to Kumba, yes B&m has built one of these
tdub96 Offline
Be back with my thoughts later, but congrats K0NG! This thing looks epic from the screens
Please explain Kumba.
i'm going to be brutally honest though and say that this didn't do too much for me. while detailed, complex, sophisticated, intricate and very technical, i still find it lifeless and void of atmosphere.
BTW...I appreciate the honesty and expected no less from you.
Might I say K0NG, that this is one of my most favorite releases. Ever. The sheer size of everything, the amount of detail, the life of the park itself, is immense. Like I've been saying in a few topics now, K0NG, you are one of my top inspirations at the moment, showing the level of quality one can achieve if they just sit at the computer for a bit longer, fully developing ideas rather than being satisfied with a more half-assed version of their idea.
This was near perfect, but a few things held it back for me. Most of st minute fixes that were never fixed, such as off-colored footers and just small mistakes like that. I'm also siding with Kumba with the unnamed rides; staff I understand. I enjoy when the little touches like staff names are added, but I won't let that hold it back any.
I didn't like the custom music for the ride. Not for this ride, anyway. Something a bit more suitable for the theme would have fit better in my opinion, maybe something like the theme for Mystery Mine at Dollywood; it'd suit Vulture well I think. Look it up on YouTube if you ever get the chance.
I look forward to what you come out with next K0NG, it's going to be fantastic.
Everything is technically very good on the map. The landscaping threw me off, though. Something about all the rocks an the monotone plants just threw off my sense of depth.
FullMetal Offline
Congrats on the well-deserved win, K0NG!
I like it.
K0NG, my review says a lot, but I've gotta say this is a lock for Best Design 2011 (unless, of course, I decide to make a design...
They explain so much about the design.
tdub96 Offline
The surroundings were even better than the ride itself. The station kicked ass, the Steak Barn was a beautifully crafted building, as were all the others in that area. The atmosphere was great around there, and I loved the custom Vulture ride entrance sign. Nice touch. The mine shaft looked excellent, and I must say the panning for gold attraction is one of the best executed ideas I've seen in a long time. The foliage and landscping wasnt weak either, it all fit the theme very well.
Overall, excellent job dude, the design of the year so far. Congrats on a work of art, 95% if i were on the panel.
Brown against brown against brown against light green against brown is all i see. Shame really as the small area round the station is nice.
The coaster layout was ok nothing out of the ordinary.It didnt really seem to make use of the shape of the trains in many places.I'd try and avoid over theming your layouts in the future (something i mentioned regarding dreamport). Where you place a tunnel or bridge between every element of a ride to make it seem more exciting.
Overall i'd have given this a 65-70
In reality though I honestly don't think we will ever see the standard lineup of inversions you have here on a Wing Rider. To me this felt like a floorless that you slapped wing rider trains on. (I know this isn't actually what you did but it is just how it felt)
However the Architecture was extremely well done and there are tons and tons of details that are awesome. Some of the best architecture I have seen in a long long time.
Overall I would have given this 70-75
congrats on the design.