Park / Highliner

Park_1983 Highliner


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    Personally, i felt this needed just one or two more additions to spruce it up to the point where it could be design worthy. What is there is solid, but it needed more substance for the design imo.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    This was pretty weak, the layout wasnt good and the theming wasnt good either.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    This wasn't bad at all. There were a couple of quite good moments in the ride, but I agree with tdub that it needed more to escalate it to design calibre.
  • Comet%s's Photo

    This was pretty weak, the layout wasnt good and the theming wasnt good either.

    I don't think that's too fair. Anyway, yeah this wasn't really a design attempt as much as an attempt to finish something, I only built on it for around 8 RCT years after inspiration from a trip to Disney. The inspiration comes partially from the landscaping in the hub of Main Street and the Rivers of America

    I do like the layout of the coaster though, it wasn't meant to be a GCI, which might confuse people, but more of my own custom design. I think it would be a very fun family coaster in real life with a fun first drop, a few helices, and around 8 moments of good airtime
    Also just in case the log flume confuses anybody it's supposed to be kind of an outdoor dark ride with speakers in the boat that narrate the history of early America. The different scenes are Native Americans, the frontier trails, wild west, and colonial. I know they might seem bland but so are the scenes around the River of America in the Magic Kingdom, it's the narration that makes it interesting, although I know that doesn't translate well to RCT

    One thing I find interesting is how much better my past two design submissions scored than this, it shows how much the standards have increased since I played last
    Anyway, hopefully a few of you can enjoy this
  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    I do like the layout of the coaster though, it wasn't meant to be a GCI, which might confuse people

    this statement is just a summary of parkmaking today :p

    yeah, it reall just needed more content, other than that it was pretty good
  • nin%s's Photo
    Yeah, it hurt a bit to rate it pretty low, but after seeing it all I thought was, "was that it?"

    You had a very nice start, but everything felt like you could have gone farther. Add a bit more of the park around it, another ride or so, even music. After looking through it, I turned the music on for the woodie, swapped it to "Ragtime", and the park blew up with more atmosphere than it had. It's small touches like that that can change the entire park, so try to add a bit more depth in the future.

    I didn't even know about the log flume storyline, which I really appreciate now. Maybe you should have included a write-up?

    Keep going man, nice to see you still releasing stuff.
  • 52.31%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
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    Metropole 60%
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    That Guy 45%
    JDP 40%
    Wicksteed 40%
    turbin3 30%
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