Park / Amity Cove
27-February 05
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Cocoa 85% Kumba 80% 5dave 75% alex 75% Liampie 75% chorkiel 65% Coasterbill 65% G Force 65% Dimi 60% MCI 55% 70.00% -
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Corkscrewed Offline
To me, this is a fantastic glimpse at NE's own Golden age, when such high caliber names like RRP, Pawn, X-Sector, Blind Guardian, posix, Natelox, Fatha, Butterfinger, CoasterEd, Mantis, Toon, and Evil WME were all in active, regular service. Not much is left from that old guard, but this is a great glimpse back at what used to be. Not that NE is exactly in the dumps these days, but we always remember times past more fondly than we do times present.
Perhaps posix and RRP can enlighten us with a more thorough background of the story, but I would high recommend dusting off that old LL disc and inserting it back into your computer to view this beauty. And well, it shouldn't be that dusty, since you all just saw Ed's work, right?
Amity Cove
Corkscrewed Offline
map1, pawn's area is actually "rrp-tweaked". he changed some of the landscaping i think. i should still have the original somewhere in case someone wants it.
map2, my area is incredibly old. the first thing to be built on the map. i did it as a side project when i made my western area in atlas infinitum.
the entrance is redone by me. natelox had made one but it was quite weak so rrp and i decided that someone was to redo it. if i did better, i'm not really sure about. still have the original as well.
no matter how much i urged fatha, he never finished his area. for a long time, i felt it was his best work.
map3, hardly anything done. lots of participants changes. shows toon's very last ll work, i believe.
map4, features one of the greates hacks ever, done by wme, the "Totalanapatra" ride. doubleclick on the red light. then yellow to test and look closely what happens to the cars in the hokus pocus zone.
a lot of feelings have gone into this project and it also made me get to know rrp. it was a very good time back then. thanks to everyone who contributed.
I lost my LL disc...
People should start playing LL more. ;[
I really want to see the park; the screens (even though they don't show much) look good.
Edit: I found the LL disc, but now I need the RCT disc.
Edit: Yay. I found the RCT disc... Of all places, it was in the RCT3 box. But now, I am still missing my CF disc.
Map2- Almost complete. Nate's area throws me right back to DDI, beatiful and very atmospheric. His landscaping has progressed a ton since and so has his sense for detail, however I still love the theming, archetecture and particularly the atmosphere from this age of Nate's parkmaking. Butter's area may well be the best he ever did in LL. Sloppy to be sure however it's excellent in the sense of atmosphere and it's pure Butta'. Posix's area is beatiful however it's clearly outdated. Fatha's area is a beautiful point somewhere between the tropico pair. Excelling and the beema wasn't bad either, although it did use cheater breaks...
Map3- Almost nother there. Ed's area shows an idea that I could have fun with useing glitchy sceanery and cBass's space tile... Coolness. The wooden coaster there wasn't bad either however I don't understand why the trains were backwards.
Map4- RRP keeps his brillence going with a beatifuly bright area that hints almost at what X-sector's LL work would later evolve into; bright, beautiful, detailed. It makes me drool... Posix's area shows what he is now more than the AI days... WME's area... Holy shit.... Possibly one of the best areas in LL ever. Absolut;y amazing... The hacks, the detail, the style... *drools* Wme has really been working his standing right on up in my eyes. Amazing...
Anyway, this is a pleasant surprise, since I never knew this existed.
Well, my favorite map was the first. A brilliant Endor section by pawn, those racing woodies, and BlindGuardian work made my day.
Even though it wasn't finished, a great job to everyone.
BTW, the park(s) were great.
Fatha' Offline
Mmkay, I may edit this later with more stuff.
the rest was so interesting to look at also though; this park seems to be a remembrance of ll's days of glory here at ne and it's really sad that those days are waning.
Anyways it was amazing especially Quantum, Clash, and Synthetic Dream.
Cudos to RRP for the dragon, too. I know how much of a bitch huge sculptures can be to make.
Corkscrewed Offline
Anyway, I'm gonna go look at that WME hack, which I totally missed (not sure how). Mark proves yet another area where he's grossly underrated.
Okay, someone explain how it turned into a log. Really, I have no idea how the theory for that can go, so I'd like to know. WME... IM me or something.
Hmm... watching it further, the rapids boats don't turn back. So maybe it's a glitch? Putting a rapids boat through a log flume turntable turns it into a log?
Altho then, I'm wondering how it made it back to the station w/o incident. And how all that runs in continuous circuit mode as well. Share the secrets, Oh Ed #2!!
edit - oh I remember.
BG's coaster on the first map had a fantastic layout, as did 'Clash' - and great colours, too, nate. Fatha's coasters were impeccable as usual. Not much to say about mine, except those were the days of lovely excitement ratings lol. Nice trick, WME. ANTI?
(btw the continuous circuit hack is the same as on River Of Death And Decay and APE (although that's on race mode))