Park / Six Flags Rio de Janeiro

Park_1973 Six Flags Rio de Janeiro


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    Wow holy parking lot.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    ^yeah, would've been a pain to do a fullscale map of that parking lot xD

    imdc: I kind of liked some of your ride layouts, although they had pacing issues. You also had some nice foliage arrangements here and there.
    Just continue to build and release stuff, I'm sure you can easily get more points one day =)
  • prodigy%s's Photo
    Wow, a spread from 5% to 55% at the panel. Lol, that's really a lot...
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    Darren must have a parking lot fetish.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    55% is too high in my opinion as it's not deserving of a Bronze but still I really liked this park and one thing is easily noticeable: he put lots of effort in it and had good ideas and showed potential. I rather have one park like this than 1000 unfinished spotlights. In my opinion this park should've gotten a 40% as I really enjoyed exploring it. I hardly ever download any parks on here anymore but when I saw the overview of this it simply reminded me of some of the old parks I've seen and loved around the German rct community when I had just picked up the game. I hope to see more parks from you in the future and you definitely showed lots of potential!
  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    I really enjoyed this actually. Some parts of the layouts were just odd, but I enjoyed them for the most part. Some more buildings besides coaster stations and some more time spend on foliage would've helped drastically. Just a few improvements and this would've been a really solid park.
  • nin%s's Photo
    This isn't the SFGAdv landscape, is it?
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    Yes. :p
  • Bolliger & Mabillard%s's Photo
    That's pretty unoriginal. No wonder the parking lot is so big.
  • 25.77%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 25.77%
    Kumba 55%
    wheres_walto 40%
    K0NG 35%
    Loopy 35%
    Roomie 35%
    BelgianGuy 30%
    CedarPoint6 30%
    turbin3 30%
    Liampie 25%
    Maverix 25%
    tyandor 20%
    JDP 15%
    5dave 10%
    prodigy 5%
    RMM 5%
  • 1 fan Fans of this park
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