I don't have TT installed on my computer right now, but based just on the overview, this looks like your best work yet. I'm don't like the random supports under the drop and cobra roll though.
Tha layout isn't that bad, Although You need to improve it at some points,
The Bend underground looks not Realistic to a Real B&M Coaster,
Just B&M Uses the half of that bens and Turns inversion after inversion.
Your Firstdrop should have a Predrop, Which is a Standard on B&M Tracks.
I Agree on the supports, Support all of the Track or Don't!
I Also agree this is your best work yet.
But Try to put a little more work on the Details.
so i wonder if you guys are sarcastic but i think you actually might be not.
initial improvements are quick and easy. more substantial and meaningful are the epiphanies you have later in your learning progress. if you get that far as to have them, that is.
so i wonder if you guys are sarcastic but i think you actually might be not.
initial improvements are quick and easy. more substantial and meaningful are the epiphanies you have later in your learning progress. if you get that far as to have them, that is.
Sure, but you often don't get to see those improvements. They happen in the form of 20 unfinished files that will never see the light of day. Here we have almost biweekly updates showing everything.
It might be a pain in the ass for release prep, but it's certainly interesting.
see, i would say they happen only if you finish something that you then end up no liking. else there's no exposure and reflection on what you want to try differently next time.
This is marginally better than dimension x, but it wasn't enough for me to score it any higher. The layout is actually really bad in game, especially the small unbanked turn the train speeds through into the station. The architecture is both terrible and has no purpose and there is literally no point in this using time twister. Anyway, I've said all these things to rct2isboss when he pmed me to ask me what I was smoking giving him such a low score, so I'll stop there.
I agree with Posix, really. I think most of my developments as a player have come from releasing work that I thought was really, really good (otherwise I wouldn't have built it?) and other people really not liking it.
I agree with Posix, really. I think most of my developments as a player have come from releasing work that I thought was really, really good (otherwise I wouldn't have built it?) and other people really not liking it.
Why can't i have a button to say i like this comment that High!
Haha Flap. Way to bring this back. I actually don't mind the layout but everything else sucked. I know that layouts are my best rct skill and archy is not.
The Bend underground looks not Realistic to a Real B&M Coaster,
Just B&M Uses the half of that bens and Turns inversion after inversion.
Your Firstdrop should have a Predrop, Which is a Standard on B&M Tracks.
I Agree on the supports, Support all of the Track or Don't!
I Also agree this is your best work yet.
But Try to put a little more work on the Details.
initial improvements are quick and easy. more substantial and meaningful are the epiphanies you have later in your learning progress. if you get that far as to have them, that is.
It might be a pain in the ass for release prep, but it's certainly interesting.
Why can't i have a button to say i like this comment that High!