Park / Medaillion Hearts

Park_1963 Medaillion Hearts


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    really? this looks awesome on the overview.
  • mardy%s's Photo
    Yeah... I think it deserves a hinger score
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    its not a bad layout but there's a few flaws. The Architecture was quite poor and The trains kept stopping on the mid-course as there weren't enough blocks.

    It shows a hell of a lot of potential though.
  • GameWorldLeader%s's Photo
    i agree this needs to be voted higher, i woulda given this a 75-85%
  • musicman%s's Photo
    It's not bad, I'd say the score was about right. The biggest problem is that you need to round off your hills more. I'm assuming the name is a video game reference?
  • Flap%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments!
    This was my first try for a Design scored game, It wasn't that good and everyone on the website i previeuwd thinks it should scored more.

    (Actually the love my coaster station, the supporting, Catwalks,nature)

    But thanks for the comments, tips and everything! i should work on it.

    I got one Cool GCI layout in my new park, but i need to finish a lot in there and i don't have the time to fix my theater, my medieval area, new log flume ride and new darkride i was planning.
    Still my mainstreet there isn't finished after 6 months...

    Well not scored bad for a first i think and you all see more of me in the Future!

    But that's when im off the Amusement ride tourprogram.


    And no, The name was based on the Coaster Entrance which is meant to be looking as a Church...
  • PianistLarryBlake%s's Photo
    I think you should have filled in the last part around the lake, or made another section a few levels lower where the waterfall lands in a larger body of water. Ending it at an edge like that with land encompassing all but about 15% of it seems a little abrupt to me. Otherwise it looks pretty cool.
  • Flap%s's Photo
    I found out that some misc obejects were misplaced so that's the resaon why it has not a Design score i think, there are some bugs!
    But all with all thanks for the Reactions!
  • 43.46%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 43.46%
    wheres_walto 65%
    Levis 60%
    That Guy 55%
    Loopy 50%
    Maverix 50%
    CedarPoint6 45%
    Kumba 45%
    Roomie 45%
    Liampie 40%
    Metropole 40%
    prodigy 40%
    Wicksteed 35%
    5dave 30%
    JDP 30%
    RMM 20%
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