Park / Mystic Screams

Park_1954 Mystic Screams


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    This had some good moments. I actually very much enjoyed the woodie and the way it was positioned around the lake. The ending was just a bit slow and trying too hard to get back to the station. The architecture was ok, but you needed to vary it within areas to give each building identity. I wasn't a fan of the invert. It was built too close to the edge of the map, I didn't like the cogs on the supports, and the bridge giving a viewpoint to the cobra roll would have been good, though it led to nowhere! The arrow was pretty good, but definate overkill on the cacti in the area.

    In general, the coasters you had were solid, you just need a bit more thought on your architecture and theming. Better luck next time!
  • Hex%s's Photo
    Thanks, Metropole! I'll try to get better next time!
  • posix%s's Photo
    The woodie was very enjoyable, I agree.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    This could've been better if the archi wasn't that reptitive.
    It's really good but just a tad the same.
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo
    I always enjoy NCS attempts such as this. All critisim from me has already been stated, except one thing: I nothiced your clearances were not restored 100%, the 8cars v1.302 (?) is what I have found as the best for clearance restoration.
  • Doomsday%s's Photo

    the overview looked promising. But as already said, the park lacks of details in architecture and theming. The woody is really great and all the other layouts are solid work, but the park as a whole lacks of some family attractions and flatrides. For the next time, think about a concept in ride selection and take more time to work on your buildings.

    Viele Grüße...Doom
  • Levis%s's Photo
    wow I must have overlooked something.... cause I was the only one thinking this was accolade worthy. I still think it is.
    The park just felt good. and I think you really enjoyed making the park.
  • GameWorldLeader%s's Photo
    i really liked the woodie (like everyone else) but it seems that ignoring the middle coaster and scenery that this park is a flop, the coasters and scenery on the outer edge of the park just didnt hit it for me. also i think this park has the new record for the most consistent vote.
  • 32.69%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 32.69%
    Levis 55%
    posix 40%
    prodigy 40%
    That Guy 40%
    Milo 35%
    5dave 30%
    BelgianGuy 30%
    CedarPoint6 30%
    K0NG 30%
    Liampie 30%
    Maverix 30%
    Metropole 30%
    turbin3 30%
    tyandor 30%
    wheres_walto 30%
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