Park / Hillside Amusement Park

Park_1942 Hillside Amusement Park


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • musicman%s's Photo
    Looks like pretty good ncso, but where is the hillside? :p
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Sorry, I just couldn't get into this one at all. The architecture did nothing for me, and was all rather samey (though I quite liked the fort). The coasters layouts were okay, but some parts looked painful. What I didn't understand is why the whole park had no custom scenery apart from the one piece used on the Hidalgo's footers...that was strange for me.

    Sorry about the score, better luck next time.
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo
    K0NG thought this was worth a Silver, I'm impressed. :lol:

    I thought this definately deserved a Bronze at least, wonderful coaster layouts for the most part, majority NCS, and it even had a slide friction coaster, I havn't seen tons of those.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    It's funny how the biggest NCSO-hater votest this the highest.

    I liked this piece of work, therefore I think this'd deserve at least bronze.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    I'm really surprised at some of the scores here...IMO, if you're going to do a NCSO park, this is how it should be done. No overload of trackitecture, no objects used in bizarre ways to simulate CSO, just a well planned, clean and well executed park. While I agree with Metropole that it's kinda 'samey'...I think that was his intention here. I dunno, I really enjoyed this submission...maybe because there was so much pure crap coming through at the same time as this and it was refreshing to see something that obviously took some time and skill to pull off. I thought it was nice. score here should indicate that I toss all personal preferences out the window when judging submissions.
  • MCI%s's Photo
    @musicman: Tell me if you´re able to find a hidden Valley here ;)
    @metropole: Thank you for your straight comment.
    @CoasterCreator9 & chorkiel: Thank you :) What I think, or what you think doesn´t count. The panel said no... :p
    @KONG:thank you for the friendly words. :)

  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Sorry mci, i realise my comments were a bit harsh. I don't think I was fully taking into account the limits of ncso, and perhaps it should have taken a greater bearing in my reaction to the park. There is certainly a good foundation of work here, I would just like to have seen it expanded upon and diversified a bit more.
  • MCI%s's Photo
    No need to feel sorry, I´m not angry with you^^
    I think it´s good that you said straight what you thought about my park. To be honest: You´re the only out of many 30% voters on my submissions (8 overall) who ever post a comment on anything I´ve shown/submitted. So I need to say: Thank YOU for beeing the first! ;)
    And that´s exactly what I wrote in your "lack of comments" topic: The submission failed, only five people answered included only two voters. How shall I improve without knowing whats wrong?^^
    @all: How was the foliage? That was the main-critic on my last submission and I really worked on it. Is it good/better than last time, or totally crap?

  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    I quiet liked the foliage. But it could still be improved on. The cypress trees (tall spiky white-ish green) were very left out in some places like the water ride.

    Overall I love your style and i can see your really into the game. Keep it up!
  • Doomsday%s's Photo
    Hallo MCI,

    as you know, I'm familiar with your work from RCT-World, so I was happy to see a park of yours on NE. Its a solid work, but I also think that you didn't show the people here what you really can build. The park is brown in brown [can I say this in english?] and is a little boring to look at, you usually do better "jobs". The layouts of "Hidalgo" and "Raider" are really great and some of the buildings are really well done, but the parks lacks of a main attraction to look at. I also don't understand why you have two CSO objects (a pavement and a deco block) in here. I think that's unnecessary in a NCSO park. But it's great to see you here, too.

    Viele Grüße...Doom
  • 45.38%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 45.38%
    K0NG 65%
    Levis 55%
    Milo 55%
    geewhzz 50%
    Liampie 50%
    Louis! 50%
    Maverix 50%
    prodigy 50%
    5dave 45%
    Roomie 45%
    Loopy 40%
    tyandor 40%
    JDP 30%
    Metropole 30%
    turbin3 30%
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