Park / Mystique
28-January 07
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now that iris is gone you can finally become parkmaker ...
i too favour your stuff. can't look at the park for now but will later.
You deserve more credit than most people are giving for this however I do agree its not one of those parks that should instantly thrust you up to parkmaker status. I'd prefer to see spotlight be the only award that's worthy of such acclaim. But, hey.
Hell, it took me 2 spotlights before I was crowned parkmaker. j/k
I'm not even gonna comment on that.
LOL at JKay using his own name in vain.
As for the park itself, I wasn't the greatest fan personally. I didn't think the coasters were the problem, I didn't see any "bad" layouts at all. They were solid, none were spectacular though. And I didn't like the way the racers didn't time on the inline twists. Or the chain lifts to the station on some coasters, but apart from that, they were generally fun to watch. I though the main downfall of the park was, however, the theming of the coasters. Most coasters just went round a landscaped area with perhaps a waterfall and some nice foliage. Really didn't lend itself any interest for me. I mean, the giga has some cool white buildings in the middle of helixes and whatnot, but it didn't really provide any depth or make me want to look closer. I'm not saying every coasters needs to be themed to the max, I don't do that myself, but each coaster just seemed to go by the same formula.
The architecture was solid throughout, though not pieces really stuck out to me. Each building was kinda the same size with no distuingishing features between it and the next. And the architecture didn't vary all that much between section.
My favourite area by a country mile was the marshy/jungle area. That was awesome, and really, the only memorable area of the park for me. The dense foliage and fun support work on the coaster gave a unique atmosphere and a far more interesting area to look at. That was great work, and I can only help but feel that you could have made the others more memorable by putting the thought and innovation into them that you did with this one. For me, that area shows that you are of Parkmaker quality, alongside being one of the most productive players out there.
In conclusion, though this is not a dig at you or the park Hans, I personally wouldn't have awarded this a SRU, I think its more like RU quality, if I look at other parks that have got RU that are, in my opinion better, and compare Mistique to some of the other SRUs, the same applies. But hey, that's what opinions are for, everyone is obviously not going to feel the same. So congats Six Frags, and I look forward to seeing your next endeavour
I agree on several points you made... The swampy area has to be my favourite too.. Actually, it was the first themed area I made, after the entrance of course.. The others are slightly rushed, which takes away quality I agree..
I semi agree with your point about the coasters going with the same formula; Bubba Hoteb had a whole other atmosphere around it than Xana and Sia-Mesa, and vice versa.. The swampy foliage, the custom supporting, the path interaction and architecture it's going through are all examples.. I do agree though, there are more similarities than differences between the coasters, but that has more to do with a parkmaker's style I think.. Thanks for the note about the lay-outs, I'm glad someone who himself can design great lay-outs mentions that they are solid!
I also feel the same with your point about the architecture as with the coasters; There were similarities and differences.. The castly midivoqo section has a whole different architecture atmosphere than the Buwaka Swami, Sugafruta and Mediterroni areas.. The colours (Buwaka greens, Mediterroni bright blue/white), design (Buwaka more bulky, Mediterroni smaller, with more towers and details) and textures (Sugofruta wood with bricks, Medievoqo stones, and castle roofs) are all examples... There are certainly similarities, but every parkmaker has his own style with which he tends to construct things.. But I get your point..
I don't know about the SRU status, I'm not to decide on that one.. I've indeed seen worse runner-ups and better super runner-ups.. So let's leave that to Kumba, or Corkscrewed..
Thanks for the congrats and other comments too, everyone..
Upon closer viewing, I tend to agree with you more on the architecture, there are differences throughout each section of the park, yet they are similar enough to be recognisable as your style. But I still believe it could be improved upon to give each building more individuality.
I'm not surprised the swamp area was the first you made actually, it definately shows signs of the point where you had the most inspiration for the park, and had greater ambition, whereas the later sections give a sense of "i want to get this finished now" in a way, which is totally understandable, and something I have been guilty with in all my parks, especially more this space
Your rollercoaster layouts are solid, fun and have decent ratings (no 10+ intensities).
All in all I think the park deserved a runner up definately, I'm just not sure about super runner up, especially when compared to parks such as Busch Gardens Europe, The NASCAR Experience and The Masterpiece.
Still good job on getting a whole park completed to this standard, it's nice to see someone is still productive.
Think for sure you deserve that, with such an amount of good-quality finished parks!
(Sorry, this is soo late, due to my 4 months unvolutarily absence: also the reason why I cannot view and comment on Mistique yet, still sooo much to catch up with....)