Park / Hood River Park

Park_1934 Hood River Park


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo
    Overall I thought this was a nice quaint park! :)

    A few pros I noticed, personally I thought most of your stations were nice, and the layouts were fun to watch.

    Cons, the foliage mainly consisted of lots of dark green pine trees. Lowlife is very nice in parks, but I can see what you went for in the mountain-forest esque landscape. The waterfalls looked rather unnatural, vertical with random outcroppings of water.

    Can't wait to see what you build next! :D
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    This was a very fun park to watch :D
  • CoolCody%s's Photo
    No park entrance? this kills it for me everytime

    I think a well executed park entrance sets the tone for the rest of the park.

    Also I like some of the whacky stations you do, they're intriguing in a way.
    quick note: in "ask the expert" forum I believe there's a tutorial on how to remove/make invisible exit/entry huts :)

    Ride layouts get a D+, they're cool but too short and they just don't flow for me.
  • F0ndue%s's Photo
    Wait,are you Supra Six from
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    I quite liked the layout of the park. Pretty original. The coasters killed this for though, especially the woodie. It basically went round in a circle back to the station. Needed some crossovers and interaction.
  • SupraSix%s's Photo
    Live on earths ass: Yes I am the same SupraSix.

    Metropole: The woodie was inspired by Boulder Dash which basically has the same type of layout and is plenty exciting without crossovers.
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    I dont think Metro was being as harsh as you're coming off with that reply. He was merely suggesting ways to make your coasters more appealing and aesthetically pleasing, as well as thrilling. Its advice, it will make you better. The guys here are usually nice, they provide advice because we want to see you get better. This isnt a bad park by any means, but my suggestion to you is not to shoot down advice from established members such as Metropole, take their advice. Thats how you get better, and maybe theres an accolade down the road for you.

    Maybe i missunderstood you, but it seemed like a harsh response to metro. If im wrong and/or im the only one who read it this way, I apologize.

    And welcome to NE :)
  • SupraSix%s's Photo
    Sorry if I came across as harsh. I was just making a point about why the layout is the way it is. Thanks for the advice though.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    SupraSix, don't worry I took no offence. I like to hear people defend the stuff they've built. I don't want the comments to just be one way.

    I'm not particularly familiar with Boulder Dash, but I do get the resemblance here. Though I would certainly say that BD has a more interesting layout than just a circle, it's good to know that you had a direction to take this. I just didn't think it worked here. I think BD style coaster is extremely difficult to pull off well in RCT, props for trying, but I feel you fell short. Even just a forest needs to be made more interesting than you had here, with foliage under the trees for depth and variations in landscape other than the gentle incline of the hill. I believe that one can make even an average coaster look good with interesting landscaping/theming/interaction. Obviously, that shouldn't be an aim, but my point is, I think the lack of interest around the coaster highlighted the layout to me, which I felt wasn't strong enough.

    Anyways, keep at it, you clearly have potential, and I look forward to what you have in store.
  • 29.62%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 29.62%
    Milo 45%
    K0NG 40%
    5dave 35%
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    Wicksteed 35%
    BelgianGuy 30%
    Levis 30%
    Liampie 30%
    Maverix 30%
    geewhzz 25%
    Metropole 25%
    prodigy 25%
    turbin3 25%
    JDP 20%
    Louis! 20%
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