Park / windsweep
03-June 11
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- Comments 37
66.15%(required: 65%)
geewhzz 90% Kumba 80% Roomie 80% inVersed 75% 5dave 70% Levis 70% Liampie 70% BelgianGuy 65% K0NG 60% Maverix 60% prodigy 60% Wicksteed 60% Louis! 55% turbin3 55% Metropole 50% 66.15% -
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tdub96 Offline
btw u spelled plane wrong in the write up
im with metro on this.
Now Sam when are you going to nail a big sized park?
I liked it for what it was and I agree with the overall score
That being said, the rest of the map was just... plain. Your foliage is great and all, but there was a real lack of buildings on the outside circle of the path which just looks... weird in my opinion. I also dislike how you used like 4 of the big rock scenery pieces and then just raised some rocky land around it. Go one or the other or a more balanced mix of rock scenery pieces and land tiles 'cause what you have here looks rather half-assed or unfinished, even.
I like your incorporation of colors on the carousel and awnings, but those are the only places on the map with bright, vibrant colors. I think the design would have a better atmosphere with brighter colors on the buildings and even in the foliage itself; throwing a few bright flowers in the mix wouldn't have hurt the outer parts.
Anyways, like I said, I LOVE the layout on this little coaster, I'd actually really like to ride it in real life. I think I agree with the panel on this one -- a design, but just barely. Grats, Sammy! Looking forward to more stuff from you!
sammy why was the lift hill so quick?
how cute <3
I'm with cocoa, btw congrats design sammy
The other half of the map was very dull. The foliage was great, I liked the carousel and the structure of the buildings were good as well. Only dislike is that it was lacking life for some reason. Probably due to the fact that everything was concrete/grey.
As said; solid layout and some satisfactory surroundings, but it could have used some extra touches.