Park / Oak Point Creek
09-June 11
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Congrats On The Silver Mav! Your landscaping and foliage and overall park layout is gorgeous, you and JDP need to collab on something, you 2 together on one map would be epic!
However I really disliked the wing walker itself. Poor layout and execution in my opinion and it didn't really fit in with the rest of the park. The skyride was overly short and the air vents on the roof looked a bit repetitive.
But don't let my negativity take away from what overall was a really nice accolade. Congrats.
really cool
btw what's the dimensions?
I love this park a lot ! Easily one to look back at soon.
It had some small flaws though.
I didn't like that black/brown corner building, it was so empty on the inside.
The red/black buildings near there were also a bit of a flaw, mostly because of the colors.
Again, I love this park a lot! A well deserved silver (if not higher).
Congratulations !
Looking again at this, I wish you had been a bit more patient so that the guests could spread more through the park. There were guests everywhere but now they're all crammed at the entrance..
As others have said, there is a general feeling of dreariness in some sections, can't tell if it's the colors you used, the fact that peeps haven't populated the whole park, path choice, etc. but something definitely feels off preventing this park from being better received. One thing about the clumpscaping that seems to be so popular these days: I think you've (and many others as well) have crossed the line of what makes sense in terms of how and why plants and trees grow certain places. Maybe certain plants won't grow at certain elevations, maybe there was once a river there or a tornado carved out a path once upon a time, but aside from the rock ridge near the entrance (which was really cool btw) it didn't really make sense. I felt that the atmosphere suffered in a lot of places from a lack of larger trees, both of the natural and park-planted variety. Even the area with the wing coaster could have used more for a better effect that I was talking about above. Regardless, even if the area the park was set in was naturally devoid of large trees, the park should have offered more shaded areas for its guests.
First of all, I felt there was a major identity crisis here, in my opinion. You've got Sheikra, Tonnere de Zeus, Raptor, Turbine, and Twister (GG) all in one park. Ordinarily this would be okay, but you kind of brought the style and essence of each ride into the park along with the layout. For instance, the area around the dive machine felt like a Busch Gardens park. The area around the GG felt super tight and cramped sort of like Grona Lund,the area around the shuttle loop felt a lot like a Tussaud's park, and Thunder of Zeus was basically straight out of Parc Asterix haha. X Raptor didn't feel like too much of a ripoff, but the layout itself fell a bit flat with that whole underground bit at the end.
The landscaping around the park was fantastic, but the foliage wasn't really up to the same level. Like, it definitely looked nice, but it just seemed so careless. Just the same bright green grass stalks all over the park to provide cohesion from one tree to another. Foliage is a weak point for me, as well, so I hate to critique others on it, but in this case, it was obvious to me that some simple variation in foliage from one area to the next would have sufficed.
Architecture is probably the biggest problem in the park, though. It's kind of more of the same from your past releases. You've got sooo many buildings, but so few of them have any life. They're just kind of boxy and lack identity/personality. Just nothing really memorable.
There was a lot of good stuff in the park, though! I did love the boardwalk area. I would have actually preferred to see a park by you where you stuck with that theme, as you were able to tackle it really well. I thought the GG woody was very well done, too. I also loved the building that the space shot ride came out of. It reminded me a lot of the building next to X Scream at Waldameer, which was neat. The rapids also showed a lot of talent/skill. A more interesting-looking temple building would have made this a top notch ride. The dive machine was also very very good, Sheikra similarities aside. Great layout and integration into the surrounding landscape. Nice work on that.
Overall, I hate to come off sounding so negative. It's just that you clearly have the talent to turn out some great parks, but I think you get too stuck in the rut of repetitive foliage and boxy architecture, which takes away so much from your strengths. But after seeing the Sheikra ride and your Cheetaka design, it's obvious what you're capable of. I can only wonder when the full scale Busch Gardens Tampa recreation is on its way haha. Congrats on the silver, man. In my opinion, it was a perfect award for a park like this. A lot of flaws, for sure, but also a lot of content and great ideas! Congrats.
inVersed Offline
Now to the actual park; the entrance was nice. Really busy though
The area to the left was the weakest in my eyes. X Raptor had a really weird lay-out and the architecture was just pointless ''fill-up''. I also did not like the fact that the station and a big part of the ride were underground. The foliage was also really weak in this area. However, I did like the landscaping here.
The area with the mouse coaster and the turbine-like coaster was a nice area as well. The mouse coaster was fun to watch for some reason. One of the best I have seen in a while. The building with the turbine and the haunted house attraction here fits in well. I also liked the fact it went through the looping. The building itself was nice as well. The foliage was the weakest part here too. Also two of the other buildings seemed really odd and just placed as ''fill-up''.
The roto-drop/splash area was OK. The roto drop and the buildings around it were very nice. Also the foliage around the roto-drop really added something to the theme. The splash has a nice design. The interaction with the landscape and theming was great but it seemd a bit dull. Also the foliage just ruined this ride for me.
The boardwalk area next to the splash has some nice building. I only do not like the roofs here; way too repetitive. The woody here was nice. Good lay-out and a nice pacing. The station was OK. The purpose of the older building next to the coaster was unclear to me. It was nice, but what is the purpose of it?!!?
The show and kiddy coaster were OK. Nothing really mind blowing here, but nothing bad as well.
The vertical srop coaster was just sick. This is in my opinion the strongest coaster in the park. Perfect lay-out, perfect pacing and perfect interaction with the surroundings. Buildings were nice as well, but again a few just seemed to be there without any purpose.
The rapids was also a really strong ride. The layout was nice and the theming too. I really enjoyed the indoor part; realy clever with the spiral coaster. The only let down was the fact that this had a big part, including the station, underground as well. There also seemed to be a head-chopper here near the ending.
Overall this was quite a nice park. It deserved silver. The landscaping was defenitely the strongest aspect of this park, as were rhe rapids and the B&M vertical drop coaster. The buildings without purpose and the foliage were without doubt the weakest parts.
tdub96 Offline
Overall, the coasters were gold-worthy, the architecture was silver worthy, but the foliage killed it for me. You way overused those tall grass objects, and it made the park feel overgrown. It seems foliage seems to be your weak point, as this, Black Mamba, and Cheetaka all have had mediocre (at best) foliage in my eyes. Also, like Phatage said, I cannot pinpoint what else it was, but this park really didnt have the atmosphere some of your previous work did.
All things considered though, you did a nice job. Minus the foliage, this park certaintly deserves a high silver/low gold. But if I were on the panel, I'm saying 60% and a deserving silver. Conrats Mav, youre a great builder and I cant wait to see what you do next.
- I really hated the foliage. You always follow the same pattern: large trees surrounded by normal trees surrounded by tall grass, leaving large spots empty or just filled with more grass. It's boring and it lacks originality, natural flow and aethetics. The tall grass is overused anyways. For example, the atmosphere of safari adventure is made purely out of tall grass in different colours.
- Because the peeps weren't spread throughout the whole park, some beautiful areas like the stunt show had a very dead atmosphere.
- Some architecture like the castle and Greek temples seemed very rushed and lacked atmosphere. Thunder of Zeus didn't shout 'Greek' at all to me.
- I didn't like the fact that the stations of X-Raptor and Lost Temple were underground. Was this out of lazyness?
+ I really liked all layouts, including X-Raptor. I just didn't understand why the log flume only had small drops, but thats doesn't really matter.
+ In some places, your architecture definitely improved, for example near the two boardwalk areas and the stunt show.
+ I enjoyed watching it, which is the most important.
I also have a message to BelgianGuy. No offense at all, I have great respect for you to write so much write-ups, but I don't like how you always end them with words like "this cute little park sets the tone for what we can expect in the future" and "but for now, [...] is NE's latest silver" or something like that. I know it's ment positively, but to me it sounds like the park is only interesting for this very moment, and it's all actually about the future. For the parkmaker, the park is possibly ment to be his magnum opus rather than a cute little park as if it was just a teaser for something much bigger. It might just be me though...
And if you ask me, I think this is better than some spotlights of the past.
Very nice park Maverix.
Thanks rK, I'm very happy how the DM turned out and glad it's been getting some great reviews. It's one of my personal favorite designs today. Well if JDP is up for it and doesn't mind helping me out with archy then why not?
First, thanks Rommie! Although I really don't see what was so bad about the Wing Walker, I really just tried to make a similar ride to Raptor but I guess Raptors layout isn't the greatest then ^^ Can't please them all I guess. Also, the skyride was just a way to get across the river or 'creek' and have a nice view of that area of the park and wasn't meant to be to long.
Thanks GWL, and I believe the dimensions are 120x120 or around there.
Haha that's one of my favorite things to do when looking at parks too
Thanks man glad you like it!
Thanks Phatage! I do get what you mean about there not being as many near clones but I still don't see what it's not possible, unlikely perhaps, but by no means can it not be done. You hit the nail on the head with the wing walker as that was exactly what I was going for. The dreariness is something that I did try to avoid but it seems to always sneak into my work because I tend to stick to only a few colors and that's something I'm trying to get better at. This park helped me practice this a bit but I'm by no means a pro at it yet. I do see what you mean about the foliage though and that will be something that I address in future projects as it hasn't really been something I've thought about to much. Lastly, the shaded area's thing is something I always seem to leave out, but I am forcing myself to remember to add them in future projects.
Well I suppose I should begin here with addressing the 'identity crisis' of the park. While I can see what you mean about area's of the park being very different, that was the point. I didn't what the park to feel like you'd be going from one area to the next with the same area just in different colors, I wanted some variety. Which I guess I did too well ^^ As I said to Phatage above, foliage will be something I think about more in the future but this was the best I could do with my skill at this time. Same with the architecture, it's just something I've got to practice and get better at the right now this is what I know to do to make it look as good as possible with my skills. It's by no means amazing, I know, but I'm just trying to get better. I'm glad you liked the Diver though as that is probably my personal favorite thing in the park. Though I think I'll leave the BGT re-cre to Kumba ^^
Thanks inVersed glad you like it!
Thanks man! With the logo that was the text that kept those letter apart but oh well
Thanks everyone for the reply's!!! Keep them coming!!!
Once again, foliage is something I'm trying to get better at
Thanks Man! Glad you like it so much!
Thanks Cole glad you like it!
so yah, good impressions.
I meant the corner building that's black and brown and near that black coaster.
And the red/black buildings close to that.
Keep up the good work and well done!