Park / Archicon
07-March 07
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There is also some sad news. This will be the last RCTF park. The club has decided to close it's doors due to a consistent decline in activity and enthusiasm for group parks. I will miss the club very much and was happy to help finish Archicon and enjoyed my long stay with the club since it's heyday back in the RCT Innovation days. To my follow club members, I hope you enjoyed working with me, I enjoyed working with you all. A huge thank you needs to go out to Austin Powers and Gymkid for setting the club up and an equally big thank you to Buckeye Becky (AP's Mom, FYI) for her ongoing support, leadership and management of the club and website.
More info on Archicon and the end of RCT Fusion can be found here.
RCTF is gone
I'm glad it's finally done. Thanks RCTF for a good run, sorry I couldn't have been there for longer. You did good, Kumba.
So that's 22 members that built on a park
It's really sad to see RCTF go, as it was one of the last classic RCT clubs from the early days.. I had a blast in the club, made some good friends, had a lot of great chats with them and enjoyed building parks with all of you.. The RCTI sunday evening chats were classic too, and I really enjoyed them way back.. The site with all the club parks over the years prove what an outstanding club RCTF/RCTI was, and it wouldn't have happened without Austin Powers/Eric and his mom, (Buckeye) Becky..So a huge thank-you goes out to them...
Now let's get that NE group park finished!
The good news here is just because RCTF is closing the doors, the active members will remain active. So in reality, nothing has really changed to those outside the club. I will miss the discussions we had within the club, but we still stay in contact through other means. What I do like about this was that RCTF did not go out silently but rather with a fitting end with Archicon.
I would also like to thank AP and Becky for ALL the hard work they put into the club! Even though I joined very late in the game, I could see the dedication they put into it. I would also like to thank all the current RCTF members as it was a blast to be a part of it all.
James - rctnw
Yeah, join us! We can offer free hosting..
But I'm already in a club...
Edited by Gwazi, 07 March 2007 - 08:23 PM.
Still a shame to see the club go, not that i knew much about it.
This huge park was nice...It's good to see another release by the club. To be honest, I think that this park doesn't reache the quality that it would reach if it was re-built by some Fusion members these days, everybody have improved so's an obvious fact.
Anyway, maybe, from now...all the people who was a Fusion member (X, Metro, Kumba, etc) will have more time for focusing on their solos...I don't know...
Anyway, congrats for every Fusion member (and Becky and AP) for everything you did for the club and hope to see you around here.
Congrats on the SRU
I still have hopes that the Masters Palette, the "monster" production of the RCT Masters, will see the day of its release. Since the park is more than 85% finished I think it should.
It's great RCTF did finish their club park and is able to release it as a farewell. I'm looking forward to see it!
Mama Bear
Ps. Who got the name for this park? Actually, in french, it means 'really, really stupid'...??
It was a great group. Running a club is hard, especially keeping one active and productive. I'd say it was a success. *am on Spring break dont have RCT disc will comment later*
Agreed. The club had an AMAZING run, from the beginnings of the days of the Station. There aren't a lot of clubs who can even challenge us in our success.