This was really good! I think my favorite aspect was the terrain, but overall it contributed to what is one of the best atmosphere's I've felt in an RCT 'park'. It just felt so light and fun, with all the secret little nooks in the island and the incredible scenery. The architecture was pretty cool too. The coasters were fun in their own way but I do think they could have been more deliberate in their layouts, something that I'm sure you'll get better at.
Again on the atmosphere, I think what really did it for me was the sense of adventure and not being able to see much of the rest of the island from any particular place. The island is actually a lot bigger than it looks in the overview too and was wonderfully robust. I really liked this!
Thanks for the nice comments. For the submission, I'm new this website and did some reading in the forum, but I didn't really understand how the contests or accolade work.
You almost did it right. when you submitted the park you chose for 'non-competitive', meaning that the park goes straight onto the forums without a score and points. You had to pick spotlight (for any non-design submission) or design (for single rides with surroundings) to get scored by the panel. It's just that one option you have to pick differently next time!
Speaking of next time, I'm sure you do pretty well. I haven't seen this ingame yet but I trust the screenshots and Phatage's opinion; good job on this. I think you can get far.
edit: This reminds me that there should be some sort of FAQ to guide new members. I've noticed that quite a lot of the newer members don't get the accolade system. I should be multilingual of course, for most confused members are non-English speakers (I presume).
I enjoyed this constructor. The landscape had a beautiful flow to it. Somehow, when you look at the overview, and when you advertised this, I assumed it was a small island with a coaster. It turned out that there was a lot to explore and when moving around, I always found a new coaster or "port" to take a look at. You need to refine your coasters so each one has a meaning and identity, but this is extremely hopeful work. Unlucky about the accolade submission, for the record, I would probably have voted it a Bronze as it's fresh and promising work!
I really enjoyed this. There were many things to explore and some nice lay outs to look at. The landscaping was definitely the strongest part here. Some buildings were really nice to look at, like the entrance. Some other gates/ports were very nice as well. Some buildings seemed a bit strange or needed some details. For your next park I would suggest to improve your foliage and name all of the coaster/rides.
Too bad you made a mistake, could have grabbed a bronze easily.
Again on the atmosphere, I think what really did it for me was the sense of adventure and not being able to see much of the rest of the island from any particular place. The island is actually a lot bigger than it looks in the overview too and was wonderfully robust. I really liked this!
A shame that you didn't.
Speaking of next time, I'm sure you do pretty well. I haven't seen this ingame yet but I trust the screenshots and Phatage's opinion; good job on this. I think you can get far.
edit: This reminds me that there should be some sort of FAQ to guide new members. I've noticed that quite a lot of the newer members don't get the accolade system. I should be multilingual of course, for most confused members are non-English speakers (I presume).
Too bad you made a mistake, could have grabbed a bronze easily.