Park / Inyoni
31-May 11
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75.77%(required: 65%)
Maverix 90% Kumba 85% inVersed 80% Louis! 80% Metropole 80% turbin3 80% 5dave 75% Casimir 75% CedarPoint6 75% geewhzz 75% Levis 75% Liampie 70% Milo 70% prodigy 65% Wicksteed 55% 75.77% -
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And for what's there in the surroundings--I actually liked the landscaping more than the buildings for some reason, but all in all, this is so far enjoyable to be watching.
Congrats to both of you--well done!
Though there were a couple iffy bits, this is a nice Design. Hope to see more. Lots more.
Dang verti, what program do you use to make those logos? Definitely not the kind of thing you can do in Paint
-Great layout. Some very exciting elements and it seemed very realistic (apart from the final bunny hop)
-Nice atmosphere
-Great station/transfer shed, and the buildings around the drop tower were good too
-Theme confusion. I'm guessing you were going for a rural African theme? the main problem with this was the architecture. while in some places the haphazard style works well, mostly the strange choices of windows and textures make it not resemble anything I'd see in real life, or look pleasing in game. The bits that were good seemed imo to be very similair to Kumba, Ilmenite, and even Cheetaka to an extent.
-path layout. seriously, there is no entrance to this park? am I missing it?
-landscaping. the foliage throughout this is very good, but the ground type that is so drastically different in one side of the park (dirt and then grass) just seems confusing. it feels to me like on the dirt part you wanted to emulate real african landscaping, and on the other parts you wanted it to fit into a realistic american park.
-it needed finished around the border, especially behind those buildings in the front of the overview screen.
I always feel bad when I give lots of a negatives in a reply, so if you want to ignore me just take my congratulations, and get back to work on something great. i know you can
but please don't get me wrong, I hope you overcome this quickly.
and give my comments in the form of pros and cons.
+ Awesome layout, I'd love it really much except for the twist after the loop, I'd make it the other way.
+ foliage + landscaping, I liked it pretty much
+ the station, it was just amazing
+ the catwalk was really cool too
- the overuse of the same roof
- the complete lack of details at the back of buildings
- the entrance, I'm not sure if that's actually meant to be the entrance or if they're supposed to be stuck in the world of inyoni but it was pretty poor integrated in the rocks.
- the overkill of people in the waiting line, and their hats. (not a big problem but it was the first thing that I noticed)
Also the Gyro tower was set to testing instead of open.
Other than that I think 70-75% is about what I would give it
are you dumb? you had an innovative layout that had decent pacing, thats what won you design. other then that i agree with pierrot. all the surrounding buildings had no identity along random pieces of scenery to make it look as if the building was interesting. your design pulled together for you due to the bright colors of the coaster, and its dark surroundings. i think foliage is your strongest point of the game and the way everything was shoved in together gave you lots of moments to supply interaction for the coaster. as an "overall" view of the design, its good. however if your shooting spotlight on your next park, you're gonna need a lot more inspiration when it comes to your architecture.
congrats on the design
either way its not my opinion. architecture doesnt win designs, look at Diablo