Park / Andar Vally


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • musicman%s's Photo
  • rct2isboss%s's Photo
  • CoolCody%s's Photo
    well this is now the 2nd lowest on NE :p
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Meh, I don't get why this is half a much as GigaG's lowest submission score, but still. I hate submissions like these.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    I think submitting the park to NE took more time than building the "whole park".
  • MCI%s's Photo
  • Chillsons%s's Photo
    BrianD, please put more effort into your park. :rolleyes:
  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    he is a new member.
    remember when you were like that?

    i mean, come on. now stop posting stupid nasty things. he could be the next robbie92 for all we know.

    better luck next time brian.
  • highroll3r%s's Photo
    I do believe people are too harsh. Help him out rather than put him down. I wouldnt want anyone to quit rct2. Bri i would recommend taking more time to build your projects. Look around the site for influence, thats what i did when i first came here. Ive grown into a really good player since all the feedback i received was very helpfull. I find it rude that people are just saying it sucks without explanation. It does suck but as ive stated you should really take more time and put in more effort otherwise your going to constantly receive negative comments. For a start you should download an up to date bench. Louis has recently created one. Get familiar with using custom scenery if you dont want to be a ncso player of course. Pehaps look at real coasters and parks to be as realistic as possible when building unless your a fantasy builder, but mainly enjoy playing rct regardless of opinions. :)
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    Levis said that BrianD had a park wich made him score 0% for the first time, this one has 10% by levis, so I think we haven't had the worst yet..
    btw, wasn't Brian banned?
  • Hex%s's Photo
    The only thing I don't get is why he put a "station" around the Free fall, and not one on the Woodie. Other than that I remember that I couldn't even figure out how to stack scenery, so he was better than me when I started. Try not to rush, take your time, be patient, and you will get a much higher score next time. :)
  • GigaG%s's Photo

    I am also a bad parkmaker. However, I do have some tips-

    -Use banked turns for almost any turn that is executed at high speed.

    -Never keep rides in the default colors RCT assigns to them. A rule of thumb is that woodies are frequently mostly brown or white.

    A park this small from a beginner at the site will not have a chance for an accolade. (I learned that on my 2nd park.)

    Just work on keeping your layouts good and putting paint jobs on the rides, and you might come up with a decent ride layout. From there, you can incorporate it into your next park.

    When I started RCT, I hardly understood it. For years, I never did anything but the roller coaster designer. So, yeah, Brian may not be very good. But, like SuicideCarz said, he is better than some of us when we made our first ventures into RCT.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Brian, you ran 4 trains on a very small woodie. They kept stopping and it was rather irritating to watch. Sorry about the 0.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    I remember when I started. The unbanked turns on hideous coasters. A park rating of zero. RCT music played everywhere. Extremely long gold courses and no queue lines. I was unable to stack scenery. Ugh, I am still trying to get the bad memories out of my head. Even then though, by the time I cam to NE, I was able to build something worth viewing and had good hacking abilities and ideas. I am still pretty much still a newbie that no one cares about now, but I personally think that people should wait awhile before they join NE or any other serious site and that they must be over the age of 13 (no offense to any kindergarteners on this site), just so they have good grammar and experience and don't embarrass or annoy themselves and others. Just keep working at it until you can get something decent.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    you know what I find the most annoying?
    These kind of submissions lately seem to get almost the most attention if you look at the replies.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    precisely. it's nonsense.
  • 2.69%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 2.69%
    Roomie 15%
    Levis 10%
    BelgianGuy 5%
    CedarPoint6 5%
    Liampie 5%
    nin 5%
    turbin3 5%
    5dave 0%
    geewhzz 0%
    inVersed 0%
    K0NG 0%
    Louis! 0%
    Maverix 0%
    Metropole 0%
    Wicksteed 0%
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