It's with mixed feelings that I saw this as being released. On one hand, I have been very interested to see this in game but was really looking forward to seeing where you took this as a finished map. What you had here was really interesing in spots. In particular the main entrance. I really liked the look you were going for and the Omega sign was very cool.
In any case, nice work and I hope your next project is taken al the way to a finished state.
It's with mixed feelings that I saw this as being released. On one hand, I have been very interested to see this in game but was really looking forward to seeing where you took this as a finished map. What you had here was really interesing in spots. In particular the main entrance. I really liked the look you were going for and the Omega sign was very cool.
In any case, nice work and I hope your next project is taken al the way to a finished state.
This makes me sad.
I was hoping to see this finished..
Please don't be sad about this premature release. "Omni Center" will contain an area which revisits this concept (though more compressed). So Spaceport Omega had to be released in this state, as it will be improved upon on another map..
Any other comments? I'm extremely curious what peeps think of this park with it's Dubai-like concept.
Please don't be sad about this premature release. "Omni Center" will contain an area which revisits this concept (though more compressed). So Spaceport Omega had to be released in this state, as it will be improved upon on another map..
Any other comments? I'm extremely curious what peeps think of this park with it's Dubai-like concept.
I thouroughly enjoy the concept, I loved looking through everything.
How bout no advertising for your next park and then spring it upon us when its done, because you let your motivation for this project lie too heavily on the feedback, which itself wasn't sustainable given the nature of this project/your advertising.
In any case, nice work and I hope your next project is taken al the way to a finished state.
Please don't be sad about this premature release. "Omni Center" will contain an area which revisits this concept (though more compressed). So Spaceport Omega had to be released in this state, as it will be improved upon on another map..
Any other comments? I'm extremely curious what peeps think of this park with it's Dubai-like concept.
I thouroughly enjoy the concept, I loved looking through everything.
but I still want you to finish it.