Park / Chronicles of Arransia
- 13-April 11
- Views 11,382
- Downloads 1,412
- Fans 3
- Comments 36
77.69%(required: 70%) Gold
BelgianGuy 85% CedarPoint6 85% Levis 85% Liampie 85% Maverix 85% robbie92 85% geewhzz 80% Milo 80% RCTNW 80% Louis! 75% 5dave 70% posix 70% prodigy 65% turbin3 65% Roomie 60% 77.69% - 3 fans Fans of this park
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- Objects 491
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zburns999 Offline
Be back with comments.
Xophe Offline
Ditto. I was wondering what had happened to this since you came back! Looking forward to checking this out!!
Wanted Offline
Haha I love it so far
Levis Offline
will comment later. this time I have time so will comment on some parks soon.
chorkiel Offline
The layouts were great and they had really good path interactions/theming !
The theming was done really well, I liked how it was one style executed really well over different areas.
I didn't like your parking lot, six years ago or not, it's bad.
and, idk if you hit the object limit, but I found places that deserved more theming.
for example; the hall of that spinning coaster, it's easy to see from the pathways under the log flume.
I didn't like your entrance too, it worried me when I started viewing this park. I thougt you gained this high score for being an old hero. The park made up for it.
overall a really good park, especially seeing it was six years old.
JW, what did you start with (when you started rct again) and what have you done lately?
Liampie Offline
Honestly I never thought I would ever see the rest of the park, let alone it being finished! I was truly flabbergasted when I opened it ingame. Recognizing Manticore's station was a really great moment actually.
For me this is the biggest RCT surprise since posix' design, and probably the comeback of the year. Welcome back and thanks for not letting this great park rot in oblivion. And of course, congratulations on the gold!
I hope to post another reply soon with my thoughts on the actual park, by the way.
JDP Offline
Cocoa Offline
Overall I thought it was a really good park. Most of the architecture was excellent, and the rides were pretty decent too. The main problem with it, that combined with its size led it to not be a spotlight in my eyes, was that the themes were really disjointed. Every area was a combination of individually nice buildings and rides but when put together there was not much flow and the themes just did not develop.
In addition, the castle had a really beautiful outer wall but there was a lot of empty space inside it, and the cage was pretty ugly (but I know what you were going for with it).
So overall, a very nice park, especially for its age. Glad to see it finally released!
Phatage Offline
hulkpower25 Offline
Metropole Offline
I'd just like to say that I was very surprised that this got gold, and I am ecstatic! I'll post a mega reply when I get a few more comments.
Louis! Offline
Had everything been of the same quality throughout I would have most definately voted this higher, and voted it yes for spotlight, however I was left a bit disappointed that I was unable to do so.
I will comment in a bit more detail at a later date though.
Metropole Offline
Liampie Offline
Wanted Offline
Levis Offline
Gwazi Offline
i come back just to check in and get two amazing surprises. (1) Metro is back, and (2) Safety in Alarms is finally released! i've been waiting since... since Metro dropped off the face of the earth, and the day has finally come.
looks like i'm gonna have to break out the RCT2 disc.
Louis! Offline
I'm guessing that because the submission manager is down, as is the points system. So nothing has been calculated and the rankings haven't been updated either.
You should recieve 543.83(77.69 x 7) points.