Park / RCTing around the Christmas tree

Park_1847 RCTing around the Christmas tree


This park shares comments with 3 other parks(View Parks)
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Hey Guys

    Sorry for the delay in getting the results out. We ran into a few issues but it's all sorted now.
    We recieved 5 parks in all (3 LL and 2 RCT2) which were voted on by Myself, Kumba and Robbie92. The voting worked on a simple 5 points for 1st down to 1 point for 5th. These were then tallied up and it gave us our top 5.

    1st Place - Sawyer Valley Ski Resort by RCTCA

    Posted Image Posted Image

    Points: 12 (2 Wins)
    Game: LL
    Download: Attached File  1st (70.22KB)
    downloads: 472

    2nd Place - RCTing around the Christmas tree by JJayMForce

    Posted Image Posted Image

    Points: 12 (1 Win)
    Game: RCT2 TT
    Download: Attached File  2nd (175KB)
    downloads: 563

    3rd Place - Santa's Summer Residence by Liampie

    Posted Image Posted Image

    Points: 10
    Game: LL
    Download: Attached File  3rd (97.36KB)
    downloads: 440

    4th Place - It's A Corkscrewy Christmas by Corkscrewy

    Posted Image Posted Image

    Points: 8
    Game: RCT2
    Download: Attached File  4th (200.79KB)
    downloads: 553

    5th Place - GigaG's Christmas Park by GigaG

    Posted Image Posted Image

    Points: 3
    Game: LL
    Download: Attached File  5th (60.87KB)
    downloads: 458

    So that's it. Certainly not the result I expected and as you can tell we had real trouble voting the top 3 apart with only 2 points between them. However congrats to RCTCA who goes home with a signed copy of RCT2.
    RCTCA, JJayMforce and Liampie have all won prizes so i shall be in contact with them today or tomorrow to sort out exactly what they want from the prize pool and where I should send it.

    Happy Holidays :p

    PS: I shall post my own thoughts on the parks in a seperate reply to keep the crowding down :)
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    5th and 4th place creater names are switched.
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    fixed :p
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    Congrats RCTCA!
  • RCTCA%s's Photo

    The other entries look great. I'll post my thoughts on them when I get the chance. Thank YOU Roomie for such an awesome contest idea!! :)

  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I like the idea of the 2nd park but I'm sorry I find it real ugly..
    (I'm not a real fan of those kinds of parks)

    btw I never knew you LL'ed Liampie :o
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Right as for my opinions. I actually put JJayMforce top. I really felt this got the christmas spirit across the best.
    I also voted Corkscrewys park 2nd where as the others voted it a lot lower.

    Liampies was technically brilliant and had a nice atmosphere but I think it lost out as it didnt seem to have anything to do with christmas really :p
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    ^ What about my park?
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    As always GigaG it felt a bit bare. There seemed to be no real attempt to theme any of the rides beyond a few placed objects.

    Posted Image Posted Image
    The above images showcase what i mean. add a simple few trees, fences and some elevation changes and you can make quite a difference. This only took about 3minutes too.

    The Christmas tree was probably the best of the track made christmas trees in the contest though.
  • J K%s's Photo
    Congrats RCTCA!!!
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Yeah, congrats man! I will view and comment on all the parks soon.

    Liampies was technically brilliant and had a nice atmosphere but I think it lost out as it didnt seem to have anything to do with christmas really :p

    Thanks, and I admit I decided to use it for this contest when 50% was already done. But it's not totally christmas-unrelated; there are elven cages, a hangar for the sleigh and a comfortably naked santa. :SA:
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    As always GigaG it felt a bit bare. There seemed to be no real attempt to theme any of the rides beyond a few placed objects.

    The above images showcase what i mean. add a simple few trees, fences and some elevation changes and you can make quite a difference. This only took about 3minutes too.

    I agree. If you spent some time on your work you'd be decent. You have some talent in LL, you just need to put more effort into your work GigaG.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Roomie voted top 2nd places for RCT2? Blasphemy!
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    ^I actuaally liked the RCT2 entries. All of these parks actually had a good old-school feel.
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    Im just excited I made the top 4 honestly. haha. I'll have to take a look at these later on but from the screens they look very good. Thanks again Roomie for putting this on I had a lot of fun making my park.
  • dmaxsba%s's Photo
    Congratulations to everyone! First for just getting in submissions and second for getting such good ones. I have to agree GigaG's was as described and Liampie's while being a feast for the eyes as usual didn't really do it for me on the Christmas end of things. Not that it matters but I think if had to judge these parks against each other they would have ended up in the say order. With that said it really would have been hard to place Liampie's and Corkscrewy's entrys. They may have ended up swapping places.

    Corkscrewy, you send it a very good entry and I can't think of a better way to introduce yourself to NE and share what you have been showing all of us at TPR than with this well put together NCS park. They are in my opinion the hardest type of parks to make. It showed talent and imagination. Well done.
  • JJayMForce%s's Photo
    Congratulations RCTCA :party: and everyone else that participated. I had a lot of fun making my park and thinking it up, I hope everyone else did too with theirs.

    On the park that I can comment on atm because I don't currently have loopy landscapes, I thought Corkscrewy had some excellent ideas in his park. I thought the white and brown color on the buildings looked great, the toy soldiers were a great idea and executed well, the 'present' station in the back, and also the Christmas tree in the center which we had the same idea on approaching.

    Again, thanks Roomie for organizing this, and to the judges for their time. And at least I managed to get rid of all the Wacky Worlds pieces from my park ;)
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    ^ They were supposed to be nut crackers :p But thanks. This is really only the 3rd park I've really tried on, after taking a 2 year break from the game when I first got to college. Luckily got a computer again. :) Would really love to see a review of each park from the judges. Thanks everyone whos checked mine out, really means a lot. :D
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    ^ They were supposed to be nut crackers :p But thanks. This is really only the 3rd park I've really tried on, after taking a 2 year break from the game when I first got to college. Luckily got a computer again. :) Would really love to see a review of each park from the judges. Thanks everyone whos checked mine out, really means a lot. :D
  • J K%s's Photo
    Yeah great entries all around! Congrats Roomie for such a fun contest.