Park / Six Flags Florida

Park_1839 Six Flags Florida


This park shares comments with 1 other park(View Park)
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I am not going to deny it, this is actually a lot better than I expected.

    I agree. These screens would be your best work for both of you... but still, not very good. At least not for me or I guess NE. :)

    I'm curious to see where this is going though... even a minor improvement is still an improvement.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo

    Don't Worry, Cocoa...
    Posted Image
    Have a look at this!
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    More to come... stay tuned! :D

    (And I could always try to copy the work off the screenshots I took :idea: )
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo

    "unknown project" Canceled
    "unnamed project" has been canceled, probably permanently, because I will probably never figure out what is wrong with the game, and can't even remember what I intended to do on this map. :p
    Attached File  llproj.SV4 (284.38KB)
    downloads: 226

  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Reminds me of my really old work.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Not that old to be frank.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    why is it so cramped on the map edge?
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    @Cocoa: Um....because it was the place I thought it might look the best?

    @everyone else: Thanks for the comments guys. Keep em' comin :D !

    On a side note, I'm also working on a few (1-3) winter-themed micros. Makes me feel colder in the 90 degree weather we're having here in California 8) . Download will be up eventually.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    RCTMasta, this does not look best on the map edge. Your saying your coaster looks best when 50% of the theming is cut off and instead replaced with pitch black? That is not cool.

    Your landscaping is probably the weakest aspect here. Show me a real life landscape which even closely resembles this. It just seems random and unthoughtful.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    Hey Metropole, haven't seen you at NE for a while. Is this better at all?:
    Posted Image
    And some normal, unmolested pictures:
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    (Would've uploaded as bmps so it'd be better quality, but imgur doesn't support the file format)
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    I think you'd be better off having the station outside of the 'mountain'. And, having a complete circuit would help attract riders. But, this isn't really all that bad of a start.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Why do you build so close to the map's edge? I'd start in the middle, it's not like you're going to finish the whole map anyway. The landscaping is actually pretty good looking. Now dare to make it three times as big, with maybe two or three other pines added to the foliage mix.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Looks nice except for the horrid path patterns
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo

    I think you'd be better off having the station outside of the 'mountain'

    I think it looks pretty good, actually.

    And, having a complete circuit would help attract riders.



    Why do you build so close to the map's edge? I'd start in the middle, it's not like you're going to finish the whole map anyway.

    Usually I start from the outside and work my way in.

    maybe two or three other pines added to the foliage mix.

    Did that on Himalaya, don't know why I forgot to do it here :p I'll do that.

    More screens will be up soon.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo

    ~General News~
    LL works again. Don't know what was wrong with it in the first place, but meh. :p

    ~Posted Image~
    Not working on the park at the moment as GigaG currently has it. After I get it back and do a bit of work on it I'll definitely post some screenshots.
    ...Ehh fuck's one...the completed Matterhorn.
    Posted Image

    That's all for now, keep checking back for more updates. :)

  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I kinda like this, as long as you won't make the full park like this.
    Then it'd just make you look like a lazy bastard.
  • Luigi%s's Photo
    Its a bit too spread out imo. I also dont like the pathing. Other than that i see huge improvement.
  • birthdaybrian%s's Photo

    Don't Worry, Cocoa...
    Posted Image
    Have a look at this!
    Posted Image
    Posted Image
    Posted Image
    More to come... stay tuned! :D

    (And I could always try to copy the work off the screenshots I took :idea: )

    It look's nice. :D
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Can you stop quoting an entire person's post BrianD, especially if you are only going to post a sentence.

    Okay, on to the screens, I see a huge improvement like everyone has said. I actually like the way it looks. Keep on improving.
  • birthdaybrian%s's Photo

    Can you stop quoting an entire person's post BrianD, especially if you are only going to post a sentence.

    Okay, on to the screens, I see a huge improvement like everyone has said. I actually like the way it looks. Keep on improving.

    I will,
    Thank you for reminding me.
  • That Guy%s's Photo