Experiencing Technical Difficulties...Please Stand By... Due to dial-up related issues the release of the first screens has been put on hold for a bit. Please stay tuned, screens will be up 1-7 PM PST today (Oh, and GigaG came up with the name and did the logo)
SHIT! I was going to open up Red Quake, but I FORGOT TO SAVE THE PARK BEFORE I CLOSED IT! SHIT!!!! Oh well, maybe I can copy everything from the screenshots... Did you ever wish life had a rewind button?
And how ironic is "NOTE: actual park subject to change"...
New Developments
A collabo is currently in planning stages. (Though I'm not saying who it's with just yet) More information to come later in planning stage.
Yeah, it's GigaG...
And by badly I mean awesomely
And by awesomely I mean badly
And by...

Screens will be up soon.
Experiencing Technical Difficulties...Please Stand By...

Due to dial-up related issues the release of the first screens has been put on hold for a bit. Please stay tuned, screens will be up 1-7 PM PST today
(Oh, and GigaG came up with the name and did the logo)
tdub96 Offline
Well...this will be interesting...
Okay, now that I've got that figured out...

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
(Sorry for the crappy image quality)
Did you ever wish life had a rewind button?
And how ironic is "NOTE: actual park subject to change"...